Newton thought light was a _?_
particle, corpuscle
the first law of reflection states that
the incident angle and the reflected angle are equal
an image in a plane mirror will always be (real or virtual)?
when a straw looks broken in a glass of water, the effect is due to
Young showed that light was a
The first law of refraction is also known as
Snell’s Law
How does focal length compare to the radius of a concave mirror?
f = 1/2 r
If the critical angle of a kind of glass is 50 degrees, and light travels from the glass to the air (which has a lower refractive index) at an angle of 60 degrees with the normal, then describe what will happen to the light at the boundary.
it will not leave the glass; it will be reflected back into the glass
When you add water to a cup that is sitting on a quarter and it disappears, the effect is due to
refraction which leads to total internal reflection
The property of light that showed it was a wave was its
interference; diffraction; alternating dark/light bands
The second law of reflection states that
the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal all lie in the same plane
An object placed on the principal axis of a concave mirror between the focal point and the center of curvature will produce what kind of image (Real or virtual)?
An object placed on the principal axis of a double convex lens somewhere beyond twice the focal length will produce what kind of image (real or virtual)?
The colors of light are
Primary colors of light
red, blue, green
When a light ray moves from a medium with a higher refractive index to one with a lower refractive index, it will move how with respect to the normal?
it will bend away from the normal
A ray of light that travels parallel to the principal axis of a concave mirror will reflect back in what way?
through the focal point
A ray of light that travels through the focal point of a double convex lens will be transmitted in what way?
Mrs. Burke demonstrated interference of light using a laser pointer and a
lice comb
Red and green light add to make
the property of light that causes a fish to appear shallower than it really is in water
An object placed at the center of curvature C of a concave mirror will be reflected in what way? Tell as much as you can.
real image, inverted, same size, at C
An object placed at the point that is twice the focal length of a double convex lens (2F’) will produce an image. Describe as much as you can about the image.
real, inverted, on the other side of the lens (behind it); same size; at 2F
If light is reflected back into a certain kind of glass, which borders air, at a critical angle of 30 degrees, then what is the refractive index of the glass? You may assume air has a refractive index of 1.