How fast does light travel?
300, 000km per second or 300,000 km per minute?
300,000 km per second
True or false. Light bounces off all objects.
False. Light energy bounces off some objects and penetrates others.
Sound is the result of a source creating vibrations that create sound waves.
What is an echo?
A sound that is heard 2 or more times and happens when a sound wave continues to bounce off of hard surfaces.
What is a source of light?
Something that creates light for our environment.
What are 2 examples of natural light?
Fireflies, sun, stars, lightening, jellyfish, glowworms, angler fish
What is refraction?
When light passes through an object and bends. Example: light passing through a prism.
True or false. Sound waves can travel on solids, liquids and gases?
True! These are called mediums.
True or false. Sound can be heard in space.
False! Sound cannot be heard in space because there is nothing for the sound waves to bounce off of.
What are 2 sources of light that provide heat?
The sun, candles, incandescent light bulb, fire, stars
What are some examples of artificial light?
light bulb, candle, glow stick, fireworks
When light can pass through a material.
What determines the volume of a sound?
The size of the sound waves- the more energy that is put into the sound wave, the louder it will be.
What is echolocation?
Echolocation is used by animals to find their prey and navigate their environment. The sound that they make bounces off objects, and they use the echos to tell how close or far away they are.
What is an LED light bulb?
A light bulb that is more efficient form of light because it provides less heat than other light bulbs.
Sun and moon. Which one is a source of light and which one is a light reflector?
sun= source of light
moon= light reflector
What is a translucent material?
When some light passes through but not detailed shapes.
What is pitch?
Pitch refers to the frequency of a sound wave?
What are some animals that use echolocation?
Bats, dolphins, whales, cave dwelling birds
What are the benefits of using LED light bulbs?
Better for the environment- less energy wasted
Economic- uses less energy which costs less
What colours absorb light and which reflect it? Why would you want to reflect it?
Dark colours absorb light. Safety vests using bright neon colours and light colours refelct light.
We would want to reflect light so that there is less heat that is absorbed.
What is an opaque material?
A material where light can not pass through.
Why are some rooms noisier than others?
If the animal is close by than the sound that is echoed back will be soft and visa versa.
Can you think of any technology devices that use sound or light?
Telescope, microscope, hearing aid, microphone