What tool can you use to see all the different colors of white light?
A prism can be used to see all of the colors of white light.
Can light travel through empty space?
Yes, light can travel through empty space. It does not need matter to travel.
What color absorbs all of the colors of the rainbow?
Can we see all forms of light?
No, some light can only be seen using technology or God-given animal abilities :).
What day was the sun created?
On the 4th day of creation the sun was created.
What is the type of light given off by the sun and lightbulbs? It contains all of the colors of the visible spectrum.
White Light
What colors are contained in white light?
ROYGBIV: Red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet
What type of energy is light?
Light is RADIANT energy.
What two things are produced as a result of the nuclear fusion happening on the sun?
Light and heat are produced.
What are the two most common elements on the sun?
Hydrogen and Helium are the two most common elements on the sun.
What is a shadow?
A shadow is an area of blocked light.
What type of wavelengths do radio waves have?
Radio waves have LONG wavelengths (low frequency).
What happens when light is refracted?
Light bends after passing from one substance to another.
What do you call an object when all light can pass through it and give one example.
Transparent objects allow all light to pass through like glass or clear plastic.
Why do hunters wear orange? Must include 2 reasons.
Hunters wear orange because deer can't see the warm colors like orange and red, AND other hunters can see those colors and make sure they don't shoot in their direction.
What is the name of the spectrum that contains both visible and invisible light and waves?
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
What type of wavelengths do Gamma rays have?
Gamma rays have SHORT wavelengths (high frequency).
What happens when light hits a shiny or smooth surface?
Light is reflected when it hits a shiny surface.
What do you call an object when NO light can pass through it and give one example.
Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through and some examples are a table, bookbag, or a textbook.
Why is the sky blue?
The sky is blue because it reflects most of the high frequency blue colors and scatters it all over the sky.
What is the angle at which light hits a surface called?
Angle of Incidence
What do we call light waves with a high frequency and what do we call light waves with a low frequency?
How fast does light travel from the sun to earth?
186,000 miles per SECOND- the FASTEST thing in the universe.
What do you call an object when SOME light can pass through it but it is often scattered, and give one example.
Translucent objects allow some light to pass through. Parchment paper and stained glass are translucent.
Explain the Faint Young Sun problem.
The Faint Young Sun problem is that the sun is getting hotter and hotter all the time. If the earth were really billions of years old and we reversed that thinking, it would have been too cold to sustain life. This is evidence that the earth is not billions of years old.