Distance between crest to crest or trough to trough is ____________.
What is wavelength?
Light moves in a ___________
What is a straight line?
A tinted window or wax paper would be an example of a _________ object.
What is translucent?
What is the change in the direction of waves as they bounce off a surface?
What is reflection?
______ absorbs all light.
What is black?
The lowest point of a transvers wave (light wave) is called ____________?
What is a trough?
What is the fastest wavelength on the visual spectrum?
What is violet?
A concrete wall or a desk would be an example of _________ object.
What is opaque?
What is the bending of waves as they travel at an angel from one object to another?
What is refraction?
______ reflects all light?
What is white?
__________ determines light color
What is wavelength?
What is the slowest wavelength on the visual spectrum?
What is red?
A clear window or a class of water would be an example of a ____________ object?
What is transparent?
The color you see after light hits an object is the wavelength of light that has been _______.
What is reflected?
The way in which electric and magnetic forces interact.
What is electromagnetism?
Light travels ______ than sound.
What is faster?
When you cannot see anything through?
What is opaque?
The bent pencil lab was an example of _____.
What are the colors of the visible spectrum?
What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet?
Light travels in ________ waves.
What is transverse?
How many times can light go around Earth in ONE second?
What is eight (8)?
When you can see everything though the object?
What is transparent?
Rain drops act like tiny "natural" _______ after a rain storm.
What is a prism?
Light is a form of ______
What is energy?