What is the function of a lighthouse?
The function of a lighthouse is to serve as a navigational aid to ships by sending a beam of light, which provides signals.
When a lighthouse is a visible landmark seen from the ocena during the day it can be identified by certain makings. What are these called?
The markings that can be seen during the day are called daymarks.
Read Luke 8:16 What does the verse say we should do with a light when lit?
Do not hide the light under a jar but put it on a stand so those who come in can see the light.
Why was the Fresnel lens such an important discover to lighthouse?
The frenel lens was a thinner lens enabled more light to pass through.
Name at least 4 different shapes of a lighthouse.
What is the name of the first lighthouse of record built?
Perhaps the most famous lighthouse in history is the Pharos lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt.
What do daymarks look like?
Daymarks can be patterns of red and white or black and white painted as bands, diamonds, squares, rectangles, or any other shapes so long as they can be seen from afar.
What does Luke 11:34 say is the lamp of your body and how should you treat it.
Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body is full of light.
How as the shape of the Fresnel lens an asset to the visiablity?
The thinner material can be shaped into rings shaped to point the light inward, focusing the light to a single point.
Which state has the most lighthouses? and where are they located?
They lighthouses are located along the Great Lakes.
Do all lighthouses have keepers? If not, how are they run?
In the United States, only the lighthouse called Boston Light still has a keeper- all the others are automated.
What do lighthouses use to identify itself at night when they can not be seen?
Foghorns are a navigation aid for mariners providing an audible warning of rocks, headlands, or dangers of shipping.
Luke 11:34 says, When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light. But when they are unhealthy your body is full of darkness.
How do you keep your eye healthy?
The text is saying that we need to guard what we see and what we are seeing things that are pure and true and show the light of Jesus and not unpure things.
What fuel was used on the earliest lighthouses?
The earliest lighthouses used wood and coal fires to make their light. Other fuels were whale oil, lard, kerosene and candles.
What is the name of the first lighthouse to use electricity in the United States? HINT: It has a most interesting shape and is a national landmark.
The Statue of Liberty was the first lighthouse to use ELECTRICITY. and served as a lighthouse for 15 years.
Today, Who maintaines the lighthouses?
THe Coast Guard and the National Park service to regular maintenance on a regular basis.
How are lighthouses identified each evening when they can not be seen?
Lighthouses have their own series of flashes, holds and colors to identify the lighthouse.
Luke 11: 35, What warning is given to us?
See to it, that the light within you is not darkness, meaning unpure, hatred or violence. Our minds and the things we choose to look at are things that Jesus would be looking at with us.
What is one of the most important jobs of a lighthouse keeper?
The lighthouse keeper had to keep the light on in the lighthouse and the lenses clean so it can be seen for miles.
Where is the lighthouse in Arkansas? and what river does it help navigate?
The lighthouse in Arkansas is located along the Arkansas River and is located in Fort Smith, Arkansas.
What is the name of people who study lighthouses?
A person who studies lighthouses are called pharologist, after the island of Pharos where the famous lighthouse was constructed.
How do lights help identify where there is danger for ships to avoid or a safe area for the ship to proceed?
The lighthouse will have red light to warn of danger or green lights to show safe passage.
Luke 11:36, If your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.
What does this mean?
It means that when you have Jesus and his light in you that is what will shine forth.
What is the difference between coastal lighthouses and offshore lighthouses?
Coastal lighthouses are situated along land on cliffs or bluffs.
Offshore lighthouses are located in deep water reffs on rocks and away from the shoreline.
What is the difference between a fixed light and a flashing light on a lighthouse. What is the benefit to using a fixed light?
A fixed light says shining in one spot all through the night.
A flashing light used intermitent flashes.
A red fixed light will stay shining on an area of danger in the middle of the radius range of the light.