This was the maximum amount of Cooldown reduction a player could achieve before the Ability haste rework. ( Cosmic Insight and blue buff not counted )
40% Cooldown reduction
This champion has hit the record-lowest win rate in League. With a win rate of 29.71%
State every League of Legends region
Bandle City, Bilgewater, Demacia, Ionia, Ixtal, Noxus, Piltover and Zaun, Shadow Isles, Shurima, Targon, Frejlord
This rune granted gold to the user whenever they use an ability and attacking enemy champions successfully
Name every current League of Legends Ultimate tier skin.
Pulsefire Ezreal, Gun Goddess Miss Fortune, K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine, Spirit Guard Udyr, DJ Sona, Elementalist Lux, Soul Fighter Samira
What time does the inspiration sub-rune "Magical Footwear" grant its user "Slightly Magical Boots" for free after 1 takedown? ( EXACT TIME )
12 minutes ( base ) minus 45 seconds =
11 minutes and 15 seconds
This champion hit the record high Ban Rate in League of Legends history. Having a record high, 99.55% ban rate for outright "winning" games.
The name of Master Yi's mentor who is also known as a legendary craftsman.
This is the name of the Epic monster that was only available to players in Twisted Treeline. When slain granted players a ghosting buff and minion buff that even momentarily feared enemy minions.
This skin was dedicated to the favorite champion of a Make-a-Wish patient who visited Riot Games.
"Here's to you kid".
Saijax Cail-Rynx Kohari Icath'un
What were the original prices of Faerie charm and Rejuvenation bead?
125 for Faerie Charm
150 for Rejuvenation bead
Nocturne's made his first major appearance within the nightmares of people in Fossbarrow, a place in _______.
This champion once held a very high position in their region but abandoned his post and was condemned but found new purpose by overcoming his condemnation.
He is immortalized in the "Biscuit Delivery" inspiration sub-rune for reaching a significant amount of LoL player referrals.
John Bain/TotalBiscuit/The Cynical Brit
In the Pentakill 2021 online concert, which streamer was called out during one of the latter segments of the performance?
Tobias Fate
Before patch 13.10, what was the previous build path for Mikael's crucible?
Forbidden Idol + Negatron Cloak
This champion is infamous for having had the most balance changes around them right after their release. Having (almost) at least one major adjustment for every patch since release.
Zeri, The Spark of Zaun
The name of the sculptor who constructed Galio and other petricite beings.
Who did Faker outplay as Zed in his famous "LOOK AT CLEANSE, LOOK AT THE MOVES, FAKER WHAT WAS THAT?" clip?
KT Rolster's Ryu
These champions have skins that represent some of the world's most famous search engines.
Chrome Rammus, Safari Caitlyn, Firefox Ahri and, Explorer Ezreal
These were the names of each of the enchantments that were available as the final upgrade to the Stalker's Blade/Skirmisher's Sabre
( not ordered )
Warrior ( AD ), Bloodrazor ( AS ), Cinderhulk ( HP/Bami's ), Runic Echoes ( AP/Luden's )
This was the first champion to be given a full VGU by Riot.
This champion's aspect was the first to flatter and trap Aurelion Sol with a magical crown that blew up stars that made up Aurelion Sol when not followed.
League of Legends was originally developed as a modded version with custom rule sets of which game?
World of Warcraft
These champions feature alternative chromas for their base skin models. ( State at least 5 )
Bard, Cassiopeia, Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Darius, Fizz, Zac, Lucian, Garen