The amount a client receives for winter ECIP.
What is $800?
These people can apply for LIHEAP starting on October 1.
Who are elderly or disabled clients.
The amount a client receives for electric energy benefit.
What is $318?
This person should date stamp all LIHEAP applications.
Who is Ron (or Cathy when Ron is not here)?
Needed to verify that a client is on SNAP.
What is the SO24 screen?
The amount a client receives for summer ECIP.
What is $300?
These people can apply for LIHEAP starting November 1.
Who are clients that are not elderly or disabled?
The amount a client receives for natural gas energy benefit.
What is $326?
These sections must be completely filled out.
What is every section?
Needed to verify client's wages.
What are previous month's pay stubs?
Last date a client can use winter ECIP funds.
What is May 31?
These clients need to provide proof of income.
Who are clients that are over 18, living in the household and do not receive SNAP benefits?
The amount a client receives for tank propane energy benefit.
What is $495?
This should be entered if the client does not have any resources.
What is 0 or N/A?
Needed for anyone not on SNAP (that is over 18).
What is E1ES screen?
First day a client can use summer ECIP funds.
What is June 1.
These two documents are needed for clients that claim they have 0 income.
What are a low/no income form and copy of E1ES screen?
The last day to apply for EA.
What is May 31?
Number of digits in a child support case number.
What is 8?
Required for all clients that are not on SNAP?
What is copy of Social Security card?
This is needed for a client to use ECIP funds.
What is a disconnect notice or below 20% propane?
These can be accepted as verification of SSA or SSI benefits.
What is a bank statement or verification by CSI worker (either from bank or on client's app)?
How a client receives the $177 energy assistance for cylinder propane.
What is direct pay check to the client?
The last two things a client completes on the application.
What are signature and date?
This happens when a client doesn't have all the needed supporting documents.
What is Ron gets angry?