Check if the two decimals are like or unlike: 3.5 and 21.18
Check if the two decimals are like or unlike: 58.129 and 64.254
Check if the two decimals are like or unlike: 18.48 and 4.25
Convert the unlike decimals to like
2.123 , 2.5
2.123 , 2.500
Convert the unlike decimals to like
1.13 , 5.231
1.130 , 5.231
Convert the unlike decimals to like
3.210, 134
3.210, 134.000
Filll the with appropriate sign '<' or '>' signs.
1.56 ___ 3.56.
1.56 < 3.56
Filll the with appropriate sign '<' or '>' signs.
2.561 ___ 4.56
2.561 > 4.56
Filll the with appropriate sign '<' or '>' signs.
13.56 ___ 13.49
13.56 > 13.49
Fill in the boxes with appropriate sign ‘<’ or ‘>’ signs.
9.012 ___ 9.002
9.012 > 9.002
Fill in the boxes with appropriate sign ‘<’ or ‘>’ signs.
456.87 ___ 465.87
456.87 < 465.87
Fill in the boxes with appropriate sign ‘<’ or ‘>’ signs.
280.45 ____ 280.54
280.45 < 280.54