Through the Generations
Social Media
The Workplace

The generation that focuses on developing their careers through opportunities within one organization or at least one industry.

What are or who are the Baby Boomers?


Focusing on commonalities between generations can reduce perceptions of "__________" versus "_________"  mentality and can create or reinforce a sense of “we", thereby, breaking down artificial generational divides.

What is "us" versus "them"?


Generation Z is the most affected generation by this phenomenon, it is defined as, "the willful and repeated use of cell phones, computers, and other electronic communication devices to harass and threaten others".

What is cyberbullying?


Cutting cable in favor of multiple streaming services is this generation's preference.

What is or who are the Millennials or Generation Y?


True or False: 90% of Generation-Z report wanting some form of human element woven into their work and team interactions.

What is True?


True or False: All generations are similar in the fact that they all value: family, respect, trustworthiness, loyalty, and feedback.

What is true?


All generations can fall into this trap if they are not careful, the trap is defined as, "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image, idea, or belief about a particular group".

What is a stereotype?


This generation has the biggest consumption of traditional media such as television, radio, magazines, and newspapers but has begun to adopt more technology in order to stay in touch with family members and reconnect with friends. 

What is or who are the Baby Boomers?


The Traditionalist, AKA the "Silent Generation", refers to people who were born between 1925 and 1945 and survived in the midst of war and economic downturn. What generation follows (chronologically) the Silent Generation?

What is or who are the Baby Boomers?


They are entering the workforce with high amounts of student debt, which is delaying major milestones such as purchasing homes, getting married, and having children. 

What is or who are the Millennial or Generation Y?


This generation suffers the most from FOMO, or Fear of Missing Out.

What is or who are the Millenials or Gen Y?


While Baby Boomers may want to take advantage of compressed work hours so they can maximize the amount of time away from the office, this generation may wish for a more fluid work arrangement that allows them to take shorter, more frequent time away from work.

What is are who are the Millennial or Generation Y?


"Ok, Boomer" is a phrased used by this generation to dismiss judgemental or condescending attitudes of an older generation.

What is or who are Generation Z?


Race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, religion, sexual orientation has been show to increase across all generations as time progresses and will become exponential in the future. These unique qualities are also defined as _______.

What is diversity?


While many people went job-hopping during the COVID-19 pandemic, this generation largley stayed put since they value and prefer stability within their work.

What is or who are Generation X?


"A way to get there" is this generations view on higher education. 

What is or who is Generation X?


Each generation of employees has this concern which can be the source of great stress causing rippling effects within other areas of their lives. 

What is financial or financial concern?


This generation still reads newspapers, magazines, listens to the radio, and watches TV. However, they are also digitally savvy and spend roughly 7 hours a week on Facebook (the highest of any generational cohort). 

What is or who are the Gen X'ers?


Birth years ranging from 1965-1979 are known to be in this generation.

What is or who are the Gen X'ers?


What generation(s) can work together to make organizations successful in the workplace?

What are all generations?


This generation prefers frequent feedback, in-person communication, and is less money driven than other generations.

What is or who are Generation Z?


People’s beliefs about what others think about their generation or age group can interfere with their work behavior, thereby leading to this escalated behavior.

What is conflict?


The social media platform the Gen Z check most often on a daily basis.

What is TikTok?


The generation is or will be born between 2010 and 2025, the first generation to be entirely born in the 21st century. What is this generation called?

What is or who are generation Alpha or iGeneration?


All generations care about saving for this, whether it is five years away or 35 years away. These financial goals are a focus for all generations and they affect employees’ career decisions.

What is retirement?
