If it hits you it'll make a particular sound
What is a BOOM?
The Cunningham goes through this part of the sail.
What is the tack?
It shows that you have raised a 420 Jib sail all the way up
What is a loose forestay?
Ens. Arboleda is from this country
What is Ecuador?
Do this whenever you are jibing.
What is "DUCK"?
It's something you should never let go when tacking or jibing
What is a tiller?
This part of the sail is threaded through the mast.
What is the Luff?
It's the most common used knot in all boats
What is stopper/figure 8 knot?
This staff member has 3 siblings
Who is LTJG. Garzon?
Phrase caused by student's laziness put this equipment back
What is "Put your life jackets away!"?
They are used to hold you in place while you balance your boat
What are hiking straps
This part of the sail is where the batons are.
What is the leech?
You will die if you let go of this ever
What is a halyard?
This instructor gets around on four wheels
Who is Ens. Schmidt?
This is the most common phrase used during roll call
What is "Stop talking"?
The hooks for the stern fast are on this part of the lightning.
What is the transom?
This part of the sail only works and is useful when going upwind.
What are telltales?
Used to secure the Jib sail to the jib halyard on a 420
What is a jib shackle?
This instructor is known for loving happy hour at Sonic. (Half price drinks & $.99 corn dogs)
Who is LCDR Weatherby?
This is the most expensive phrase when ignored by students
What is "Don't hit the lightnings"?
This part is responsible for catching wind and causing windage
What is the hull?
This character is known for having a tack on his foot and no...
What is Mr. Luff
This part of the boat allows the boom to pivot around the mast on a laser
What is the goose neck?
This instructor has been training for bodybuilding competitions
Who is Ens. Nierenberg
This fleet is property of small boat
What is the keelboat fleet?