What year did Apartheid begin?
Who was the first president of South Africa?
Nelson Mandela
What was the Sharpeville Massacre?
It was when the blacks went to the police station without their booklets and were attacked even though they planned to overthrow the station.
Who (countries) did Apartheid effect?
Many countries in southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and America.
What does Apartheid mean?
What year did Apartheid end?
Who started Apartheid?
The NP(National Party) Government
How did the blacks rebel?
They burnt their booklets.
What event showed the end of Apartheid?
The first free election of Nelson Mandela
When was the Sharpeville Massacre?
What methods were used for resistance?
Demonstrations and strikes
What was the Pencil Test?
A pencil was placed in your hair and if it fell out you were white enough to their standards. If the pencil got stuck or did not fall out, you were black.
What year was the population separated by race?
How did Mandela resists the Apartheid?
He used nonviolent acts to protest against the laws.
What was the goal of Apartheid?
To separate the white minority from the black and colored majority.
When was the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act?
What movement fought Apartheid?
The Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM).
How was the Apartheid accomplished?
They used hundreds of race laws to prevent colored or blacks from doing anything they thought was inferior.