how many bodies of water do i have on my property
2 pool and hot tub
what do i do every sunday
can i wiggle my ears?
what is the name of the game we played at the end of last year pretty consistantly
crazy 8
where was i born (bonus 100 points for town)
new jersey
how many floors are there on my house
what do i do with study halls
A. play games
B. write
C. read
D. watch youtube
what did we get before the alarms at unc
crumble cookie
my pets and their names (bonus 50 points for their ages)
prince (cat) 15 1/2
pepper (dog) 10
how many tv's are there in my house
how long have i been playing tennis for
since i was 5 so 11 years
what is one talent that i have that isnt learned
if you said normal answer normal points
if you said spraining my ankles constantly plus 100
what were each of the animals for the face masks we did
tiger, penguin, cat, dog
Did i ever have braces
Yes, only for 18 months though in 6th-7th grade
how long have i lived at my current house
7 years
what sports have i played?
just list it ill tell you if your correct
how long can i hold my breath for (0sec-90sec)
name 3 weird movies we watched in the library
wizard so so
the car movies (the weird ones)
how many times have i sprained an ankle (bonus 50 points for each reason or how i sprained it)
5 times
school gutter
playing mermaids
playing tennis
running down a hill
playing tennis part 2
how many couches are there on the first floor of my house this includes sofa chairs (bonus 200 if you count the outside) (EXTRA BONUS if you count all couches in my house)
12 for outside + inside
6 inside
total for my house 14
list my 5 art talents (if you list more then five its +50 points)
1. sketching
2. painting
3. water color
4. digital
5. card baord
1. oragami
2. sewing
3. crocheting
4. embrodery
how many bottles of water did i drink at the adventure camp all at once. (the water intoxication one)
how many rats are in wizard so so
3 suprisingly