What is the alien's name in this movie?
What kind of animal does the animal shelter think Stitch is?
What color is stitch?
Which celebrity is Lilo obsessed with?
Elvis Presley
After the alien escapes to Earth, which country does he land in?
What color is Lilo's dress?
Red and white
Who does Lilo say controls the weather?
Pudge the fish?
What does Lilo do to the door at her house?
Nails it shut
What is Stitch's number?
What was Lilo late to at the beginning of the movie?
Hula rehearsal
What does Ohana mean?
Family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.
Who is visiting Nani and Lilo at their hosue?
Social worker
What kind of sandwich does Lilo give to Pudge the fish?
Peanut butter sandwich
What color was the space cruiser that Stitch steals at the movie's beginning?
Where do Nani and Lilo get stitch?
Adoption center
What is the social worker's name? (Tall guy in the suit)
What is Lilo's sister's name?
How much did Lilo & Stitch Pay for Stitch?
Who is Nani?
Lilo's sister
What does Lilo have on her walls by her bed?
Pictures of tourists