Each person in the target population has an equal chance of being selected to participate in your study
What is random sampling (or random selection)
This committee reviews study proposals and decides if they meet ethical guidelines.
What is an Institutional Review Board (IRB)?
Ha- an ethics item: According to the APA code of ethics for research with animals, this must take place before conducting any study
What is review of a research proposal by a committee similar to the human subjects' IRB?
Two central criteria used to evaluate the design of a study
What are reliability and validity?
In a correlational study, as in an experiment, this is the behavior, characteristic or trait you are studying.
What is the dependent variable?
This method of subject selection allows you to randomly select participants in specific subgroups (such as ethnic groups) in the same proportion as they exist in your target population in the real world
What is stratified sampling
There are 5 principles in the APA code of ethics.
What are:
beneficence and non-maleficence
fidelity and responsibility
Respect for people's rights and dignitiy
Creating equivalent groups is a critical challenge for this type of design.
What is between subjects experimental design?
Based on the design of your study, you are able to generalize your findings to other people, places and times.
What is external validity?
A limitation of correlational studies
What is correlation-is-not-causation?
A type of non-random sampling
What is convenience sampling?
This determines what level of review a research proposal receives.
What is risk?
An experiment has a variable that the experimenters have not measured and that is correlated with the independent variable. This additional variable makes it impossible to draw a cause-and-effect conclusion.
What is a confound?
Your experiment is free from confounds.
What is internal validity?
A correlation study always has the possibility that a variable that was not measured in the study is driving the relationship between two measured variables.
What is the third variable problem?
The reason random sampling is ideal
What is - to have an unbiased sample that reflects your target population?
After a person is done participating in your study, this is provided to them.
What is debriefing?
Watch out - with this kind of variable in an experiment, you cannot draw cause-and-effect conclusions.
What is a subject variable?
A study effectively measures the abstract, psychological behavior that it intends to study.
What is construct validity
One should look for three potential problems with data in a correlation analysis
What are outliers, curvilinear data, restricted range?
The technique in which participants have an equal chance of being in the experimental group(s) and the control group
What is random assignment?
Two key items on a consent form.
What are:
description of study, risks, duration, may quit, assurance that confidential and anonymity will be preserved, researcher's contact info, opportunity to learn results, incentives, signatures
This is the variable that you are testing in an experiment.
What is an independent variable?
Of the two central criteria for research design and measurements, this one is essential.
What is internal validity?
A study shows that as daylight hours decrease, the level of depression in a sample of people increases.
What is a negative correlation?