Lia Haddock
the host of Limetown
Lia's Uncle
Emile Haddock
Who first told Lia that there are "many" more survivors?
What did the tech do?
allowed mind-to-mind communication
How did the survivors escape Limetown?
the caves
the pig veterinarian at Limetown; was mysteriously killed by a drunk driver after talking to Lia
Who told Lia about the early stages of developing the tech?
Warren Chambers
Max, Deidre, Warren, Winona, Lenore, Oscar Totum
What does Lenore tell us about Sylvia?
that she's still alive
The first Limetown survivor that Lia talked to
a head researcher at Limetown
Max Finlayson
Who first told Lia that there was a "control group" and some people had the tech and some didn't?
Max Finlayson
Name 3 people who did not have the tech
Lia, Emile/The Man We Were All There For, Sylvia
What is Warren doing after Limetown to make money?
He's a traveling "minister" and he sells blood on the side.
The Man We Were All There For
Emile Haddock
Max's ex-wife and a survivor; wasn't going to get the tech, but Max suddenly had her get it
Who told Lia that the Man We Were All There For was her uncle Emile?
Deidre Wells
Who died during and after the Panic?
Oscar Totem and anyone without the tech
How did everyone die during / after the panic?
they were dissolved in acid
Lenore Dougal
the pig that was part of the experiments
Who told Lia that there are more "Limetowns" out in the world, doing the same experiments?
Lenore Dougal
What did the supplement do?
"it allows you to focus in on one distinct and recognizable voice at a time"
How could the tech be used outside of Limetown that would have big impacts on the world?
(varied answers) military, politics, etc.