The home of Lina's favorite radio show, the 30 second song challenge.
What is 101.1 CBS FM?
Lina is currently working towards this degree.
What is a PhD?
Rhyming with lawn, this is the past tense of “see”, in Lina’s grammar.
What is "sawn?"
Lina is famous for the sandwiches she makes at this holiday.
What is Friendsgiving?
This is Lina and Mourad's wedding date and venue.
May 3rd, 2025 at the Plaza Hotel.
This is Lina’s favorite restaurant in New York.
What is American Bar?
The designer of Lina's wedding dress.
Whereas others say "drunk", Lina says this word.
What is "overdrinken?"
This New York borough, also home to the Yankees, is Lina's former home.
What is the Bronx?
It was at this AYF event that Lina met Mourad.
Lina's alternate career path, if she gets tired of curing cancer.
What is a bakery?
Family wise, Lina and bridesmaid Fiona have this specific thing in common.
What is "sisters named Kira"?
Lina's word for monastery, defined as a building or dwelling inhabited by religious monks.
What is a "monkery?"
“Butto” and “Arkebiscobos” were some of Lina’s nicknames for this sister.
Who is Christa?
By marrying Mourad, Lina is gaining two nieces and a nephew by these names.
Juliette, Eva, and Michael
Once a member of the Commodores, this American singer songwriter co-wrote “We Are the World” with Michael Jackson.
Who is Lionel Richie?
The name of Lina's childhood alter-ego or "special" persona, who famously "liked Tylenol".
Who is "Lysol"?
Not "had been" or "have been" or "has been" but...
What is "hadding been?"
The reason for the famous fight Katia and Lina had at NATs in Worcester 2018.
What is "they both insisted they looked horrible and the other looked fantastic and neither could agree"?
Besides reptiles, Mourad has an affinity for (and has owned multiple of) this animal.
What are chickens?
The acorn loving squirrel from the beloved animated franchise Ice Age, and Lina’s beloved.
Who is "Scrat"?
Made of brightly colored tubes fashioned to look like people, these statues are contemporary art to some, but Lina’s ultimate fear.
What are "Tube Dudes"?
This verb means to fool or make a fool out of someone.
What is "bafoonize?"
To get out of going to ballet class as a kid, Lina hid this item and pretended that she couldn't find it.
What is a leotard?
Indigenous to the Amazon rainforest, this amphibious creature was Lina’s fourth grade obsession and foreshadowed her falling in love with a reptile king.
What are poisonous dart frogs?