What is Lindsey's birthday?
What was Lindsey's Major in College?
One of Lindsey's favorite things to do in Onekama?
Ideal answer: Watch the Sunset
Can debate your answer for half credit
The go to place after work with her coworkers is?
Would Lindsey choose Mexican food or Chinese food?
Where was Lindsey born?
Louisville, KY
What year did she graduate college?
What is Lindsey's favorite Taylor Swift album?
Where was Lindsey's Bachelorette Party?
What is Lindsey's favorite color?
Tiffany Blue
What sports did Lindsey play in high school?
Volleyball, soccer, basketball
What year did Lindsey & Blake start dating?
What day did Lindsey & Blake get married?
July 9th, 2021
Malibu, Pineapple Juice & Fresca
What was Lindsey's first car?
Honda Civic
What was their go to spot for the best Fish Bowl in town?
Good Time Charley's
What unit does Lindsey work on in the hospital?
4A - neurosurgery / stroke unit
What's Lindsey's go to starbucks order?
Would Lindsey rather root for Michigan State or Ohio State?
Where did Lindsey & Blake first meet?
Mary Randall Preschool
Lindsey & a friend would regularly dine at Outback Steakhouse & order what?
A Blooming Onion
This family friendly attraction is the site where Lindsey twerked upside down?
Lindsey & Blake's first stop after finding out they were pregnant with TWINS was at which store?
Barnes & Noble
One thing Lindsey is looking forward to most when entering her 30s is?
Officially being "old" enough to own & drive a minivan