What day had the most cars sold?
Use the data to create a line plot.
Student drawn line plots
What is the title of a line plot and why is it important?
The title is the name of the line plot usually found above the plot. It tells you what the data is about.
How many student towers measured 8, 9, and 10 inches?
4 + 1 + 2 = 7
What is a fraction between 2 1/2 and 3 inches?
2 3/4
2 7/8
2 5/8 inches (and more)
How many teachers have a hand span of 7 inches?
3 teachers
Plot the data for number of books in desks on your whiteboard:
Which operation means "altogether"?
To add.
How many more students had 12 inch towers than 20 inch towers?
6 students had 12 inch towers.
3 students had 20 inch towers.
6-3= 3
3 more students had 12 inch towers than 20 inch towers.
What does the tool measure to the nearest half inch?
3 1/2 in
Look at the following line plot. How many group members had pencils measuring 13 and 14 centimeters?
2 measured 13cm.
2 measured 14cm.
So, 2+2= 4 members
What is missing in this line plot?
The title and the label of what the numbers are.
When we find the "difference" between numbers, what operation do we use?
How many classrooms were at 50 or less?
What does the paper clip measure?
1 1/4 in
Look at the following line plot. How many students saw less than 10 butterflies?
10 students
If you were making a scale for a graph for this data, what would the interval (space between numbers) be?
2 1/6 1 5/6
3 4/6 1 2/6
2 3/6 2 5/6
1/6 (one-sixth)
"Sum" means what?
Answer to an addition problem.
How many carpets are in this survey?
What does the pencil measure?
2 1/4 in
Look at the following line plot. How many more six year olds are in afterschool care than ten year olds?
4 more
Create a line plot on whiteboard with the following data: Don't forget ALL the labels!
Height of second grade students:
48 in. 46 in.
42 in 48 in.
43 in. 42 in.
49 in. 41 in.
Student drawn line plots.
"There are 10 ladybugs in the garden. There are 7 bees in the garden. How many more lady bugs are there than bees?"
In this word problem, "how many more" means you need to use what operation?
How many more ____ than ____ is a comparison. In word problems, it usually means to subtract.
What is the most candy bars students had?
8 candy bars
What does the comb measure?
5 3/4 in