Standard Form
Point and Slope
Two Points

Emily starts with $50 in her savings account and saves an additional $20 each week. How much money will she have after 6 weeks?

Emily will have $170.


Sarah buys apples and oranges. Apples cost $2 each, and oranges cost $3 each. She spends a total of $18. How many apples can she buy if she purchases 4 oranges?

Sarah can buy 3 apples.


Trava recently started an outside literature sales position. They make a weekly base pay plus commission for every bulk of books sold. For every bulk of books they sell, they make a commission of $75. This past week their pay stub said they made a total of $2,000 and they sold 9 bulks of books. What is Trava's base pay?

Their base pay is $1,325.


Leia sells make-up cases for a make-up company. She is guaranteed a base pay, even if she makes no sales. One week, Leia sells 5 cases and earns $1,300 in her paycheck before taxes. Another week, Leia sells 7 cases for $1,550. What is Leia's base pay?

Leia's base pay is $675.


A car rental company charges a $30 base fee plus $10 per hour of use. Someone's bill came to $80. For how long did that person rent the car?

They rented the car for 5 hours.


A group of friends buys two types of concert tickets: VIP tickets for $100 each and general tickets for $50 each. They spend $600 on a tickets. If 4 friends got VIP tickets, how many friends just bought the general tickets?

Four friends bought the general tickets.


A hiker is walking along a trail. After 2 hours, she has hiked 6 miles and is at an elevation 3,736 feet. The trail’s slope indicates she gains 105 feet in elevation per mile. What is her starting elevation?

Her starting elevation is at 3,106 feet.


Professor Huyang is a droid that helps young Jedi assemble their first light-sabre. However, the Professor got tired of doing it for free, so he started charging the Jedi High Council to a weekly base fee, then a fee for each padawan he trained. One week, Professor Huyang trains 4 padawans and earns 200 dataries. The next week he trains 2 padawans and earns 125 dataries. What is Professor Huyang's base pay?

His base pay is 50 dataries.


A water tank initially contains 200 liters of water and is being filled at a rate of 15 liters per minute. How much water will be in the tank after 8 minutes?

There will be 320 liters of water.


A company has two types of employees: full-time employees who work 8 hours a day and part-time employees who work 4 hours a day. In one day, the company needs a total of 72 hours worked. There are 4 full-time employees working that day. How many part-time employees were scheduled?

Ten part-time employees were scheduled that day.


A pipe fills a tank at a constant rate. After 10 minutes, there are 75 liters of water in the tank. If the rate of flow is 5 liters per minute, how much water will be in the tank after 15 minutes?

There will be 100 liters of water in the tank.


Dahlia is a yoga instructor. For one client, when they attended 5 sessions in a month, they paid Dahlia $75 for that month. Another client attended 8 sessions and paid Dahlia $105. What would a client pay if they attended 11 sessions?

They would pay $135.


Cris charges $20 for every hair-cut with basic styling. They made $460 in tips and earned $1,020 this. Cris does not remember how many clients they had though but needs to know so that they can plan ahead on restocking products. How many clients did Cris have?

Cris had 28 clients.


A CEO wants to give their employees a raise. Part-time employees now earn $15 an hour. The manager can schedule a total of 64 part-time hours and a total of 160 full-time hours. If the manager can afford to pay out a total of $5,500, what should the full-time employees new hourly wage be?

The full-time employees should be paid $28.38 per hour.


A waiter makes $6.25 an hour plus tips. If the waiter worked 45 hours this week, and his check came to $550 before taxes, how much did he earn in tips?

He earned $268.75 in tips.


Jesse buys a starter plant and tracks its growth weekly. After 2 weeks, the plant is 14 centimeters tall. After 5 weeks, it is 32 centimeters tall. Assuming the plant grows at a steady rate, how tall should the plant be after 13 weeks?

The plant should be 80 centimeters tall.
