An angle is two rays joined together at what?
vertex, shared vertex called a point
True or False - parallel lines will eventually cross paths.
What is an endless straight path called? Both directions go on forever
a line
90 degrees
right angle
Find an acute angle in this classroom
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If an angle is exactly 90 degrees ... it is called what?
right angle
True or False - perpendicular lines form four 90 degree angles?
A line with two end points is called what? Two endpoints on both sides of the line
line segment
180 degrees
straight angle
Find an example of an obtuse angle in this classroom
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Name 3 kinds of angles.
right, acute, obtuse
Acute angles are between 180 and 90 degrees
False - between 0 and 90 degrees!
Lines that cross at ONE point are what kind of lines?
a)parallel b)intersecting c)perpendicular
intersecting lines
89 degrees
acute angle
What do we call an angle bigger than 180 degrees, but smaller than 360 degrees?
Reflex Angle
Name an angle that is bigger than an acute angle.
right and/or obtuse
True or False: Right angles are smaller than obtuse.
Do ray's go on in BOTH directions?
92 degrees
What do we call an angle that is 360 degrees?
A revolution
Between what degrees is an obtuse angle?
90 and 180 degrees
true or false: a straight angle is 360 degrees
Lines that NEVER cross at any point
45 degrees
Find an example of a reflex angle in this classroom!
Answer may vary