This term refers to a word or group of words that function as a single unit.
The smallest unit of phonetic difference that distinguishes meaning.
The object to which an expression points.
A language that makes limited use of affixes, instead preferring to use adpositions, particles, and modifiers to denote grammatical information.
Analytic language
This American linguist is also known for his work in computer science and politics.
Noam Chomsky
This term is used to indicate the order in which the syntactic constituents of a language are placed.
Word order
A consonant that behaves as a syllable nucleus.
Syllabic consonant
This term refers to any of the roles that a noun phrase may play with respect to the action or state described by a governing verb.
Semantic role (also accept thematic relation)
A language that forms words by stringing together morphemes that each correspond to a single syntactic feature.
Agglutinative (also accept agglutination)
This British philologist is more widely known for his fantasy works.
Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien
The grammatical relationship between the arguments of transitive verbs and the argument of intransitive verbs.
Morphosyntactic alignment
These phones are produced without the vibration of the larynx.
An expression by a speaker that simultaneously presents information and performs some action.
Speech act
An affix that is inserted inside of a word stem, rather than to its outside.
A British philosopher of language known for an eponymous set of maxims.
Paul Grice
The grammatical number that refers to "a few", contrasting with singular, dual, and plural.
Paucal Number
The nucleus and coda of a syllable, taken together.
The capacity for a word to have multiple related meanings.
Polysemy (do not accept synonymy or homonymy)
A morpheme with the form of an affix, but the distribution of a function word.
(This was pulled off of Wikipedia. I don't think this is a great definition)
This American linguist revolutionized scientific understanding of sign language; he also invented an eponymous notation system for ASL.
William Stokoe
The number and type of arguments that a particular predicate may accept (though typically a verb).
These phones are produced with continuous, non-turbulent airflow in the vocal tract.
Sonorant or Resonant
This model attempts to explain the relationship between language, language users, and the world.
Semiotic triangle (also accept triangle of meaning)
Phonetic variants of morphemes that have the same meaning.
Allomorph (also accept allomorphy)
This Russian linguist was integral to the decipherment of the Maya script. He is known for submitting research under the name of his beloved cat, Asya.
Yuri Knorozov