the study of the conventionalized structure of a language
what is grammar?
the study of the patterns which show how smaller linguistic units ultimately combine into conventional sentences
what is syntax?
words that contain more than one morpheme
what are polymorphemic words/complex words?
words that consist of one morpheme only
what are monomorphemic words/simplex words?
the hierarchical composition of sentences from parts
what is the constituent structure?
this term is used to refer to the number of arguments a verb phrase can combine with
what is valency?
this term refers to the presence or absence of a direct or indirect object
what is transitivity?
subdivision of morphology dealing with morphological processes that are relevant for syntax; creation of word-forms, that is, fitting words into a specific syntactic slot
what is inflectional morphology/inflection?
the part(s) of a word to which morphological operations apply
what is a base/what are bases?
if a verb is used with one argument only, it is referred to as this
what is a monovalent/intransitive verb?
‘performer of the action’, the participant who is typically animate and acts consciously and volitionally
what is an agent?
‘undergoer of the action’, the participant affected by an action performed by some causer, especially an AGENT
what is a patient?
a atypical morphemes that occurs in only one word in a language
what are unique morphemes?
part of a word that cannot be broken down further; most fundamental contribution to a word’s meaning
what is the root?
the intermediate point of an action
what is a path?
the endpoint of an action
what is a goal?
subtype of goal, the participant who receives something (usu. in a transfer of possession)
what is a recipient?
a specific morpheme (in particular an affix) is responsible for an alternation of the base in this type of conditioning of allomorphs
what is morphological conditioning?
part of a word that remains after all inflectional morphemes are removed
what is the stem?
the participant that is used by an agent in performing an action
what is an instrument?
the participant that arouses a feeling or is perceived
what is a stimulus?
the participant that receives sensory or emotional input
what is an experiencer?
irregular realisations of nouns' plural forms are an example of this type of conditioning of allomorphs
what is lexical conditioning?
conditioning where choice of allomorph is determined by sound structure of base
what is phonological conditioning?
the participant that moves or is located
what is a theme?