Sight for
Sore Eyes
A knee jerk
A small step for man
a giant leap for mankind
As fit as
a fiddle
Call a spade a spade
a spade
A bed of
A leopard cannot
change its spots
Ace in the
As happy as
a clam
Call a spade
a spade
A blast from
the past
A man after my
own heart
All that glitters
is not gold
Ashes to ashes
dust to dust
Finger lickin
A bolt from
the blue
A man's got to do
what a man's got to do
As cool as
a cucumber
Barking up
the wrong tree
No rest for
the wicked
A fate worse
than death
A picture paints
a thousand words
As dead as
a doornail
Been there,
done that
On a wing and
a prayer