What are the CWC's Drop-In Office Hours?
Monday-Friday 2pm-4pm
Where can you make an appointment with a tutor?
Center for Academic Support & Tutoring (CAST)
What are the library hours?
8:00am-11:00pm 7 days a week
What is stress?
“Automatic, Physical, Mental andEmotional response to a challenging event” (Mayo Clinic)
What is Kayla's major? Bonus points for concentration and minor ;)
Musical Theatre (Directing & Journalism)
How many free psychotherapy sessions does the Counseling & Wellness Center offer per semester?
What academic placement tests do Marymount offer?
Math and Writing
Where is the Library located? (both regular & quiet)
The Library is located on the second and third floor of the Nugent Building.
What is the LEAST amount of sleep you should be getting every night?
7 Hours
What is Lisa's position on campus?
Coordinator for the Office of Student Success Advising
What is the Relaxation Station?
CWC’s online resource for stress reduction, relaxation, and sleep hygiene.
Name two types studying techniques.
Study Groups
Practice Problems
Reading Notes
Listen to lectures
Who is the director of the library?
Brian Rocco
Name 2 common causes of stress in college students.
Academic Pressure
Financial Concerns
Social Challenges
Time Management Issues
Transition & Adjustment Difficulties
Where did Lisa go to college?
George Washington University
How can students make an appointment?
By emailing or calling.
Counseling@mmm.edu or 212-774-0700
What are the 4 different learning styles?
Visual Learners: Use diagrams, charts, and infographics.
Auditory Learners: Record lectures and listen to them.
Reading and Writing: Learners read and take notes simultaneously.
Kinesthetic Learners: Engage in hands-on activities or play.
Where is the media center located?
First level of the library (2nd floor Nugent)
Where can you go on campus, to get free groceries? Where is it located?
Griffy's Groceries
Lower Level 053
What state is Kayla from?
What is Academic Access?
A cost above tuition program for students with learning disabilities that is specifically designed to foster academic success through accommodations and multifaceted support.
What does the S.M.A.R.T. acronym for studying stand for?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, Time-Based
What is Libchat and when is it open?
Chat with a librarian in real time, Monday-Thursday between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Where can you seek help for stress management?
Center for Academic Support and Tutoring (CAST)