What did the Babylonians base their calendar on?
They based it on the moon's cycles.
What are the two types of clocks used in the past?
Sundials and water clocks.
What is Jean de Mairan's favorite flower?
The mimosa.
Where can we see Salvador Dali's paintings?
In a museum.
What is the name of the star that the Egyptians based their calendar on?
The Dog Star.
How do sundials tell time?
The sundials have markings and when the sun moves, the shadows move and pointed to the time.
Who is Jean de Mairan?
A French astronomer.
What did Salvador Dali often paint?
He often painted things from his dreams.
What is a leap year?
A leap year is a year with an extra day in February.
How do water clocks tell time?
Water drips out of the bottom and as the water level gets lower, it shows markings that tell the time.
When did Jean de Mairan live?
In the 18th century.
What are surrealistic paintings like?
In surrealistic paintings, common things are often changed strangely.
Once every 4 years.
How are water clocks better than sundials?
Sundials can't show the time at night or on rainy days but water clocks can.
Before the experiment, what did Jean de Mairan think made the mimosa's leaves open and close?
He thought the sun made the leaves open and close.
What strange things can we see in Salvador Dali's most famous paintings?
Ants on a melting clock, a dead looking tree, and a strange melted figure that might be Dali or a dolphin.
What is the name of the calendar created in 1582 which we still use today?
The Gregorian calendar.
When were water clocks first made?
After the experiment, what did Jean de Mairan think made the mimosa's leaves open and close?
An internal clock.
What is Salvador Dali's most famous painting?
It is The Persistence of Memory