The sun is so __________ that it can hurt your eyes if you look for too long.
What was the Babylonian's calendar based off of?
the moon's cycles
A __________ is an old tool used to tell time by the position of the sun.
What did sundials use to tell time?
When you __________ a pizza into pieces, you can share with your friends.
What did the Ancient Egyptians use to make their calendar?
The stars
On a sunny day, you can see your __________ on the ground when you stand still.
What did the markings on smaller sundials represent?
If you __________ 5 and 3, the answer is 8.
What is the name of a year with an extra day?
leap year
Water will ________ out of the faucet.
What was the second water container used for?
Refilling the clock
The pyramids in Egypt are __________ structures that were built thousands of years ago.
How did Julius Caesar change calendars?
He added an extra day to February every four years
You should always __________ to the map to show where we are going.
What did shadows point to on sundials?
The exact time of day
Every year, the Earth goes through a __________, changing seasons from spring to summer to fall to winter.
What is the name of the calendar we use today?
The Gregorian calendar
Can you __________ my glass with more juice, please?
Why did people in West Asia and Egypt start using water clocks?
Sundials could not tell time on rainy days or at night