When I put on my glasses, my __________ got much better.
Who was Eustis?
A dog breeder in Switzerland
The ball began to __________ down the hill and into the street.
What do eye exercises strengthen?
eye muscles
A __________ helps people who cannot see move around safely.
seeing eye dog
How did Morris Frank lose sight in his left eye?
It’s important to __________ when you’re working on your math homework.
What should you pretend to write when you exercise your eyes?
the alphabet
The bus was so __________ that we had to stand all the way home.
How did Morris Frank lose his eyesight in his right eye?
A tree branch hit his right eye
After lifting weights, my __________ felt sore but strong.
How many times should you roll your eyes clockwise?
5 times
The __________ carefully selects healthy dogs to sell to families.
What did Frank and Buddy teach people?
Seeing Eye Dogs can give blind people more freedom
To open the jar, you need to twist the lid __________.
How far away should you stand from the calendar in the focusing exercise?
stand three meters away from it
She will __________ her dog to sit and stay on command.
How did Buddy change Morris Frank's life?
He could safely walk across busy streets and through crowded buildings
The sun rises in the east and sets in the __________ direction.
What are the three different exercises mention in the story?
1. Practicing focusing
2. Rolling your eyeballs
3. Writing with your eyes