What is Mr. Easby's first name
What are the different suits in a pack of cards
Hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades
Finish the lyrics: Number one victory royale...
Yeah, Fortnite, we bout to get down
Name all the teachers that currently teach P.E at our school
Ms. Macdonald, Mr. Draper, Mr wood, Mr Conner
Which country did lego originate from
Which YouTuber lost the most subscribers in 24 hours
James Charles
Name six electives
literally anything
Which politically incorrect card game was funded by a Kickstarter campaign after being developed in 2011 by students in Illinois
Cards Against Humanity
Which music star's 2021 Vouge cover had fans stunned
Billie Eilish
What teacher teaches an academic class and a sport?
Mr. Schmidt and or Ms. Macdonald
What were the 6 original monopoly pieces
The top hat, the thimble, the iron, the shoe, the battleship, and the canon
Which 2021 No.1 top hit song got banned in some countries
Montero (call me by your name) by Lil Nas X
What's one item you get to dissect in biology 11/12