The children were sent to stay with the Professor because of the
air raids
What sort of farmers were the three men?
Chicken farmer
Duck and goose farmer.
Turkey and apple farmer.
Why did Mr Fox feel confident that he knew where he was?
a) He said he knew his way around the farms blindfolded.
b) It was as easy for him to travel below ground as above it.
What did Jack's grandfather fight when he was younger that left something that never properly healed?
He fought an ice giant
In Which book was a woman carrying a roller pin in a cellar?
Fantastic Mr. Fox, By Roald Dahl
The first person she met in the wood was wearing a red
How did Mr Fox avoid being caught by the three farmers?
He always approached a farm with the wind blowing in his face so the farmers could not smell him.
Who was Jack's false princess at the beginning of the book?
Bertrand, a class mate (pg.7)
What did Jack believe May was?
A 'Punk Princess
In Which book did the faun convince Lucy to come to his cave?
Chronicles of Narnia, By C.S. Lewis
By inviting her to tea
Where did the children live before this story began?
When Mr Fox was leaving his hole, what two warning signs did he hear?
a) A tiny noise.
b) A soft rustling sound.
What was Edmund’s first impression of the Lady on the sledge?
He didn’t like the way she looked at him
Where does Jack live?
Giants Hand, a small village in the kingdom of Blunderbush (pg. 17)
In Which book
does Jack's grandfather always seem to feel a chill in the air?
Half Upon a Time, By James Riley
He fought an ice giant and the monster froze his bones to the very core and they've never properly healed., pg. 11
Why was Edmund bad-tempered the first night at the Professor’s house?
Because he was tired and pretending not to be.
How many men did the three farmers order to surround the hill? Why?
a) 108 men.
b) To stop Mr Fox escaping from the hill.
Julia said Jack was "a son of a ...well...a..." What did Jack fill in the blank with?
A Criminal
How many Story Books were made?
In Which book did a Princess fall out of the sky?
Where did she land?
Half Upon a Time by James Riley
How did the adventures begin?
With the children’s decision to explore the house because it was raining and they couldn’t go outdoors
Who did the foxes meet first?
What was Mr Fox’s bright idea?
To dig their way out, even though they were hungry and thirsty.
What was on the boy's hand who was unconscious, dressed in green, and had thrown fireballs at Jack?
A sparkling red ring., pg. 2
In Which book, did Mr. Tumnus promised to turn her over to the White Witch?
Chronicles of Narnia, By CS Lewis