The most calorie rich nutrient
What are fats
dietary fat that are solid at room temperature and are packed with no double bonds between the fatty acids
What are saturated fats
Unsaturated fatty acids that come from either industrial or natural sources
What are trans fats
A type of dietary fats that are typically a liquid at room temperature
What are unsaturated fats
Lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, may benefit heart health and blood sugar regulation, reduces inflammation in the body, provides vitamin E, helps with the prevention of breast and ovarian cancer
What are benefits of monounsaturated fats
Breaks down fatty acids to provide us with long term energy.
What do fats do for you
beef, pork, poultry, eggs, full-fat dairy products, tropical oils, coconut oil
Where are saturated fats found
the worst fat to consume for your health
What is trans fat considered as
Plant based foods and fish
What are unsaturated fats found in
Corn oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil
What has Omega 6 in it?
Three types of fats
How many types of fats are there
Solid fats
What are saturated fats known as
Made when liquid oils are turned into solid fats
How are trans fats made
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
What are the two types of unsaturated fats
salmon, achovies, marel, herring, sardines, tuna, chia seeds, flax seeds
What has Omega 3 in it?
Trans, saturated, unsaturated
What are the names of the fats
Will raise cholesterol levels
What happens if you consume saturated fats often
Fried foods, margarine, shortening, baked goods, pie crust, frostings, frozen pizza, ice cream, hot chocolate, pancake mix
Where are trans fats found
Fatty acid that has one double bond within the carbon chain
What are monounsaturated fats
Low Density Lipoprotein
What does LDL mean
Store energy, cushion energy, help with creating hormones, absorb vitamins, provide support to hair and skin
What are the roles of fats
Raise bad cholesterol levels, heart disease, weight gain, stroke
What are the dangers of saturated fats
What we want to be when we grow up
Fatty acid that has two or more double bonds
What is polyunsaturated fats
High density lipoprotein