This celebrity baby went on to sing "You're So Golden"
Harry Styles
These baby bears share the name with a famous Chicago baseball team
The egg that had a great fall
Humpty Dumpty
This Disney Springs Pizza Chain has been a strong craving of Lisa during her pregnancy
Until they are six or seven months old, babies have the ability to perform these two bodily functions at once, making feeding easy.
Breathing and swallowing.
This celebrity baby can be considered part of the "A Team"
Ed Sheeran
Baby goats are called this
She came tumbling right after Jack fell down.
Winnie the Pooh
This puffed breakfast product is often recommended to be a baby’s first solid food.
Rice Cereal
This celebrity baby has gone to have 46 Grammy nominations and 11 wins overall.
Taylor Swift
Baby foxes are called this
This baby animal followed Mary everywhere she went
A lamb
Lisa and her husband met while working under these golden arches
Amazingly, babies are born without these protective leg bones.
Knee caps.
This celebrity baby went on to create one of the strong beehives in the world.
Monarch butterflies babies are called this
Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for the master, _______
one for the dame
This day is Ellie's due date
Traditionally, babies are played classical music or lullabies to help them regulate the following unusual bodily function.
Their high heart rates.
This celebrity baby went on to star in hit shows like "Scandal"
Kerry Washington
Baby pigeons are called this
Hickory dickory dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck FOUR
The mouse went "______"
Hickory dickory dock.
no more!
Baby's name Ellie is a combination of Lisa and this, her husband's 5 letter name
Studies show that fetuses can recognize music in the womb during and after this trimester.
The third trimester.