Identify the word: Harshly critical or sarcastic, often in a way that can hurt or offend.
What is Caustic?
Identify the word: Serving to clear someone from guilt or blame; exonerating.
What is Exculpatory?
Identify the word: Overly dramatic or exaggerated, often used to describe exaggerated emotional behavior.
What is Histrionic?
Identify the word: Mocking or teasing in a hurtful or insulting manner.
What is Taunting?
How many days are in a year?
What is 365 days?
Identify the word: Happy, positive, or full of good spirits; upbeat.
What is Cheery?
Identify the word: Full of energy, excitement, and enthusiasm; high-spirited.
What is Exuberant?
Identify the word: Excessively eager to please or serve; overly submissive or servile.
What is Obsequious?
Identify the word: Presented in a restrained or subtle manner, often with less emphasis than might be expected.
What is Understated?
How many stripes are on the American Flag?
What is 13?
Identify the word: Informal or conversational language, often used in everyday speech.
What is Colloquial?
Identify the word: Secretive or attempting to avoid being noticed, often due to guilt or fear.
What is Furtive?
Identify the word: Pretentious, self-important, and often characterized by an inflated sense of one's own importance.
What is Pompous?
Identify the word: Annoyed, frustrated, or agitated.
What is Vexed?
What is the only planet in our solar system to rotate clockwise on its axis?
What is Venus?
Identify the word: Showing deep thought, reflection, or serious consideration.
What is Comtemplative?
Identify the word: Depressed, dark, or pessimistic in tone; lacking in cheer or optimism.
What is Gloomy?
Identify the word: Intending to provoke or stir up strong emotions, often through controversial or challenging statements or actions.
What is Provocative?
Identify the word: Bitterly scathing or filled with intense hatred and criticism.
What is Vitriolic?
How many keys does a piano have?
What is 88?
Identify the word: Showing deep thought, reflection, or serious consideration.
What is Disgruntled?
Identify the word: Arrogantly superior, disdainful, or showing excessive pride.
What is Haughty?
Identify the word: Expressing regret or sorrow, often with a touch of melancholy.
What is Rueful?
Identify the word: Longing or yearning for something, often in a sad or nostalgic way.
What is Wistful?
What's the largest land mammal?
What is an elephant?