What is 50-55 percent?
This bad listening practice involves paying attention to a speaker in order to attack what they say.
What is aggressive listening?
An example of this would be creating an acronym to help remember something.
What is a mnemonic device?
The physiological dimension of listening.
What is hearing?
A burger! (Bacon, onions, and BBQ sauce.
People with this listening style might ask “What do you want me to do? What needs to be done?”
What are action-oriented listeners?
While people speak at a rate of 125 to 175 words per minute, we can process them at this rate.
What is between 400 and 800 words per minute?
This is considered the deepest and often most challenging types of lisiting.
What is critical listening?
The ability to recall information.
What is remembering?
The number of days each week I mention the Thorpedo.
What is four?
The number of parts that needed to be labeled for your communication model.
What is eight?
This type of noise might be caused by things like fatigue, hunger, or illness.
What is physiological noise?
This type of listening centers around being caring and respectful of others.
What is empathetic listing?
This is deciding on the best course of action.
What is evaluating?
The number of times Hunter said he went to the Thorpedo each week.
What is ten?
This communication model describes communication as a one-way process in which a sender intentionally transmits a message to a receiver.
What is the linear or transmission model?
This type of listening involves incorrectly recalling information or skewing information to fit our expectations.
What is distorted listening?
Sending yourself messages containing advice about better listening.
What is covert coaching?
Giving observable feedback.
What is responding?
The Thorpedo has been in business for around this many years.
What is over 50 years!
This is language left open to differing interpretations with the intention of deceiving or evading.
What is equivocal language?
"Glazing over" is described as what type of barrier?
What is a cognitive or a personal barrier?
Active listening pairs these two things.
What are outwardly visible positive listening behaviors and positive cognitive listening practices.
Interpreting and making sense of a message.
What is understanding?
The year the Thorpedo opened.
What is 1965?