Comparing two things without using "like" or "as."
Although she was still an _____________ in the field, she knew she could make a big impression.
As an ______________growing up on a farm, Emma often dreamed of becoming someone important.
Why was Lorelle Henry in Mr. Nesbitt’s drugstore?
She was buying medicine.
What is Richard “Bobo” Evans wearing when he comes to court?
A prison uniform
Giving human qualities to non-human objects or ideas.
Her initiative to change outdated methods led her to work with a government _____________ to promote innovative techniques.
How many young men did Mrs. Henry see in the drugstore?
Who actually shot Mr. Nesbitt?
James King
An exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally.
During her college years she worked on a deep ____________ of farming.
She presented her ideas in a non- ___________________ way and impressed many experts.
When and why did Mrs. Henry go to the police?
The next day to report a robbery.
What did King and Evans steal from the drugstore?
Money and cigarettes
A reference to a well-known person, event, or text.
In __________ her efforts proved to be a major success.
She was the ambassador for sustainable ______________.
How is Evans arrested?
He is arrested after being identified in a lineup.
Where did King and Evans go after the crime?
To a fast-food place
A comparison between two things using "like" or "as."
Practices revealed the importance of _______________ planning.
Her first step toward this goal was to make the _________________ of local farmers and learn from their experiences.
What signal does “Bobo” Evans say Steve was supposed to give if the robbery could proceed?
A nod
Who is the author of the book?
Walter Dean Myers