Where was Euripides from?
Athens, Greece
Who are Electra's parents?
Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
Who killed Agamemnon?
Clytemnestra and Aegisthus
What is matricide?
the act of killing one's mother
Where is Orestes set?
What years did Euripides live?
480 BC to 406 BC
Who is older, Electra or Orestes?
Who killed Aegisthus?
Orestes (with Pylades)
What are the Erinyes?
goddesses of vengeance
Where is Pylades from?
80-90 plays
Who is Clytemnestra's sister?
Who killed Clytemnestra together?
Orestes & Electra
Who are the Dioscuri?
The twin deities of Castor and Pollux
Where is the oracle of Apollo?
Who are the three ancient Greek tragediens whose many plays have been survived in full?
Euripides, Aeschylus and Sophocles
Menelaus and Agamemnon are the sons of whom?
Who kills Helen?
Trick Question! She is taken by Apollo.
Orestes & Pylades try to kill her
Who is Loxias?
Apollo, as an oracle
Where does Menelaus rule?
In what country did Euripides' die in?
Clytemnestra is the daughter of which two people?
Tyndareus and Leda
Who killed Iphigenia?
What is a chorus?
a large organized group of singers, especially one that performs together with an orchestra or opera company.
What did Agamemnon rule?