Someone who is curious and asks a lot of questions can be considered...
Define: avid
passionate, interested
Mary Warren
Name two characters who experience interpersonal conflict so far in The Crucible. Explain what the conflict is.
E.g., John and Elizabeth > affair / fear
What is the difference between a dependent and an independent clause?
Dependent - sentence fragment; needs more information
Independent - has all necessary information
To urgently beg for something
Give an example (full sentence - can be derivative):
"I should have roared you down when you first told me your suspicion. But I wilted, and, like a Christian. I confessed. Confessed!"
What motivates Abigail to deceive the community?
Desire for power & revenge
Use a or an to correctly fill in the blanks.
There is ____ apple in the basket. There is also _____ orange, _____ peach, _____ banana, and ______ apricot.
an apple
an orange
a peach
a banana
an apricot
deserving of intense dislike
Why would Mary refer to Sarah Good as a crone?
Because she is trying to insult her age and appearance to support the allegation that Sarah is a witch
"Why, thank you, it's a fair poppet."
Explain a character who has recently experienced a change in reputation.
Elizabeth > Lost reputation (accused)
Abigail, Mary > gained reputation (accusers)
Correctly use their, there, and they're to complete the sentences. All or nothing!
________ going to the mall.
________ parents are really nice.
________ is only one minute left of class.
Explain the prefix, affix, and root of this word and how it contributes to its meaning:
IN = not
COMPREHENS- = comprehension
-IBLE = adjective suffix like "able to be"
means not able to be comprehended / understood
Mary has grown indignant. How do you know?
"I never knew it before. I never knew anything before."
Mary Warren
Describe the setting of Act II, specifically, and describe how that influences the mood of what follows.
Long, dark living room
Makes you feel stuck, confined, down - irony of the "living" room as a place of relaxation & comfort, only to hear the news...
Is this word a CONTRACTION or a CONJUNCTION? How do you know? (1/2 credit for 1/2 answer)
ConTRACTion (the word is contracted/brought together by 2 words)
ConJUNCTion (joins sentence parts)
Choose one of the following words to provide the definition, part of speech, and a sentence/example for:
- monologue
- arbitrary
- insidious
- cadence
- feign
monologue (n) a long personal speech
arbitrary (adj) unfounded/baseless
insidious (adj) gradual & negative
cadence (n) the rhythmic pattern of speech
feign (v) to pretend
The setting specifically
The distance between John and Elizabeth (vapid conversation)
The foreshadowing of the accusations
Provide an example of figurative language used in the book. Explain its significance.
(If you can't think of one and no one wants to steal, I will provide one, and you must explain it for 1/2 credit)
E.g., "your justice would freeze beer"
"the magistrate that sits in your heart"
"a mouse no more"
The part of speech for "me" is a _________.