Children & Boundaries
Expectations for LITs
Training week
Team Work

Why are boundaries important?

Allows people to feel safe, comfortable, respected. Helps us learn about expectations. Supports healthy relationships.


True or False: You are expected to plan for and run camps on your own each day you are at the summer camps?

False! You are a Junior Leader, supporting the Summer Camp Leaders. Sometimes you might need to prepare snack or organize a game but you won't run everything!


What qualities make a good leader?  

Communication skills, problem solving, confidence, being respectful, commitment, honesty, taking initiative ...


Look to your left. What adjective or animal did that person use to describe themselves in The Name Game?

Did they get it right?


What kinds of things make teams work well together?

Knowing each other; being honest; give & receive feedback; inclusion; good communication; clear roles and responsibilities...


True or False: children between ages 2-7 are selfish and choose not to see things from other people’s point of view?

False! They really do struggle to understand that not everyone thinks or feels the same way they do.


When can you use your cellphone?

On breaks. If it’s urgent, let supervisor or coordinator know.


What are you looking forward to in the next few weeks?

Sounds great!


What are we doing on Thursday?

Helping at the Stampede Pancake Breakfast, having tours of the camp sites, and hearing about working with children.


How did you support each other during the team building activity?

Non-verbal communication, paying attention to each other, silent encouragement ...


You hear one of the campers swearing. What do you do?

Let them know that that kind of language is inappropriate. Or let a Camp Leader know so they can speak with them.


During Snacks and Lunch, where will you be?

With the campers, eating lunch!


What makes communication effective & respectful?

Honest, open, polite, succinct, respectful, giving and receiving feedback, confidence, active listening, non-verbal communication.


Name a leadership program you can do on

Keystone Leadership; Food for Thought; Skilled4Success; Respect2Connect


What are some ways you can take initiative during your time at the camps?

What are some ways you can take initiative during your time at the camps? - Play a game with campers, organize a craft, ask a leader what you can do to help, help a camper, call campers by their names, ask leaders what is happening for the next part of the day and how you can help ...


What are some guidelines for physical touch?

No kissing, hugging, or letting campers sit on your lap.


What can you say if a camper asks a question you don’t know the answer to?

Tell them that you don’t know the answer, and let them know that you’ll find out the answer and let them know.


Name 2 types of Leadership Styles that we talked about.

Autocratic; Democratic/Participative; Laissez Faire; Transactional; Transformational


Name some camps games you can play with campers?

Rock, Paper, Scissors; Professor Know-It-All; Wax Museum/Night Guard; Cow, Alien, Tiger; Telephone; Charades; Reverse Charades; Tutti Fruity ...


Name 2 types of Team Roles that we talked about.

Plant, Resource Investigator, Coordinator, Shaper, Monitor Evaluator, Team Worker, Implementer, Completer Finisher, and Specialist.
