What state is Jack from
Mr. and Mrs. Forrester
Who are the first foster family
Mrs. Clay
Who is the housekeeper?
Placid, Wisconsin
What is the setting?
How many members were in the Westing Game?
Polaris's common name in the book
Miss Collins
Who is the character Shadrack and Sophia created?
Billy McCabe
Who is the boy who was going to marry Agatha or Who is the boy who helped Georgie?
Flora Baumbach's job
Early's Northern Leopard From
Who is Bucky?
Mum always said her children ________
What is Hung the Moon
Who is a ghost trapped between eras?
Dog Hollow, Wisconsin
Where was the body found?
Buy Westing Paper Products
What is the final message in the will?
Semper Fidelis
What is written on the stone archway of the school?
Mrs. Griffith
Grappling Hooks
What is the weapon Sandmen use?
The kind of gun Georgie owned
The Master Chess Player
Who was Turtle?
The Sweetie Pie
What is the name of Jack's boat?
What they called evacuees?
Eclipse Festival
What event happened at the palace so Theo and Sophia could sneak in?
Long Ears
What is the name of the mule?
$10,000 and a set of clues
What did every set of partners get?