A state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune
What is Adversity?
A comparison using “like” or “as”
The group stays at this abandoned hotel for a brief time
What is The Four Winds?
A person/animal, place, thing, or idea
What is a Noun?
This kind of world in a fictional story is an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, and is typically totalitarian or post-apocalyptic
What is a Dystopia?
To come back or go back, as to a former condition, period, or subject
What is Revert?
When an object is given human characteristics
What is Personification?
Minerva tells a story about this creature to the girls one night
What is the Rogarou?
An action or a state of being
What is a Verb?
Emily Dickinson personifies this concept in her poetry, also turned into a character played by Wiz Khalifa in the show Dickinson
What is Death?
Superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable; appearing worthy of belief
What is Plausible?
A comparison that does not use “like” or “as”
What is Metaphor?
RiRi finds this exciting piece of attire in the woods and takes it with her
What are the Pink boots?
A word used in place of a noun
What is a Pronoun?
In There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury, this structure is automated to make life run "smoothly," having disastrous effects in the end
What is the House?
Marked by lack of plan, order, or direction
What is Haphazard?
A hint or warning of what is to come in the future
What is Foreshadowing?
Wab used this skill to make a living, as told in her coming-to story
What is Running?
Describes or modifies a noun or pronoun
What is an Adjective?
Station Eleven also is the title of this treasured item within the story
What is a Graphic novel?
A saying often in metaphorical form that typically embodies a common observation
What is Adage?
Extreme exaggeration
What is Hyperbole?
Instead of a wedding ring, Miig has this to signify his marriage to Isaac
What is a Tattoo of a buffalo?
This name refers to a group of culturally and linguistically related First Nations that live in both Canada and the United States, and includes many of the characters of The Marrow Thieves
What is the Anishinaabe?