What is the sound of long a?
What is the sound of A as in "aim"
What is the sound of "ai?"
What is /ay/ as in fray?
What is the another homophone of the word "bear" and its meaning?
What is bare?
What the name of the syllable that has a short vowel sound followed by a consonant?
What is closed?
The room number of this room (no peeking)
What is the sound of short a?
"E" as in "eat"
What is the another homophone of the word "reign" and its meaning?
What is rain or rein...
What the name of the syllable type that has a long vowel sound and an e at the end?
What is silent e or Vce?
What is Ms. Roselle's first name?
What is "i" as in "ice?"
What is the sound of ei?
Another homophone of the word "break" and its meaning
What's the name of the syllable type that has a long vowel sound and sometimes no other letters after the vowel?
What is open?
What's Duvall's favorite word(s)?
What is "chattin" or "my son?"
What is the sound of short e?
"E" as in "egg"
What is the sound of /ou/?
What is "ow" as in "clout?"
Another homophone of the word "peace" and its meaning
What is "piece?"
What's the name of the syllable type that has vowels combined with other letters to make a new sound?
How many bowls of alfredo did Orion eat yesterday?
What is three?
What is the sound of short /u/?
What is /u/ as in up?
What is the sound of /igh/?
What is long I as in "right?"
Another homophone of the word "clothes" and its meaning
What is "close?"
What's the name of the vowel type that has a vowel followed by an r?
What is vowel-r or r-controlled?
What is Ms. Lallo's first name?
What is Gerri?