The East African Savanna Habitat
The Tropical Rainforest Habitat
The Saltwater Habitat
The Sonoran Desert Habitat
Animals of the Arctic Habitat

How are giraffes able to eat acacia trees?

They have long necks so they can reach the leaves and twigs at the topic and they have touch tongues so they can eat the thorns on the twigs.


What is the largest tropical rainforest on Earth?

the Amazon rainforest


How is the ocean floor similar to land?

It has mountains and valleys.


What makes the Sonoran Desert a hard place to live?

heat and lack of rain 


What makes the Arctic tundra one of the least friendly habitats on the earth for plants and animals?

cold; strong winds; frozen ground; little daylight in the winter; little food; low temperatures


What does the East African Savanna habitat have a lot of and what is it missing?

It has a lot of grass and wide-open space. It is missing a lot of trees and bushes


Why can you see only a canopy of leaves from above the Amazon rainforest?

The trees grow so thickly and close together that you can’t see the forest floor


Where in the ocean do animals live?

Animals live in all different parts of the ocean; some live in the shallow parts of the ocean near the coastline and others live in deeper parts of the ocean.


How do plants survive in the Sonoran Desert?

Some plants save and store water inside their plant parts; other plants grow in shady areas near mountains or rocks.


How do Arctic plants keep from blowing away?

They grow very close together and don’t grow very tall.


What are the two main food sources for animals in the East African Savanna habitat?

grass and acacia trees


How have plants adapted to the rainforest habitat?

growing large leaves to catch light; growing waxy leaves to help water drip off them; growing tall to reach sunlight; large roots to hold up the trees; thin bark on trees because there is no need for protection from cold weather


Why can’t humans use most of the water on the earth?

because it is saltwater and we can’t drink it


How do animals survive in the Sonoran Desert?

They live underground.


Why would animals have adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic habitat?

so they can continue to live in the habitat despite the harsh conditions


How has grass survived the tough conditions of their habitat?

The grass has adapted to these conditions by growing very deep roots. Even if the grass above ground is destroyed, the roots underground survive and the grass can grow back.


Why do animals that live in the Amazon rainforest have a good supply of food all year?

» The climate is the same all year round so plants don’t need to slow down their growth to adjust to cold weather. Because plants don’t need to slow down their growth, they stay green all year long and gradually replace old leaves. The trees are never bare and thus, animals have food all year long.


What does shallow mean?

Shallow means not very deep.


What is unique about the saguaro cactus?

» It is a habitat in itself, providing food, water, and shelter to many different animals.


What is one adaptation that animals have?

animals in the Arctic often have heavy fur coats that help them stay warm in the cold temperatures


What does the word adapted mean?

Adapted means to become adjusted to new conditions.


What does the word supply mean?

Supply means the total amount of goods/how much there is


What is the difference between oceans and seas?

Oceans are huge areas of saltwater that stretch all around our planet and seas are smaller areas of saltwater that have land around them or around part of them 


What other jobs does the saguaro cactus do?

The saguaro cactus saves and stores huge amounts of water in its roots and stems. It provides food, water, and shelter to many different animals.


What does shed mean?

Shed means to get rid of
