True or false: You should target comprehension only after reading.
False! Before, during and after!
What is a homophone?
Words that sounds the same but have different meaning (spelt different) e.g., their and there
True or false: You should target reading rate before accuracy
False! Reading accuracy must be targeted before fluency
How many sight words should I introduce per session?
No more than 2-3
True or false: Phonemic awareness focuses on the sound and the symbol.
False! It only focuses on the sound.
True or False: Narrative structure should be used for non-fiction books.
False. It is used for fiction books!
Which tier of word describes basic vocabulary?
Tier 1
What are the three things that make a fluent reader?
Conditioning steps are used for what?
Sight words
What is a phoneme?
The smallest unit of sound.
KWL is useful for what type of book?
Which tier of words is most beneficial for vocabulary instruction?
Tier 2
True or false: Great Leaps is an intervention targeting reading rate.
True or false: sight words and high frequency words are the same.
False. But we want high frequency words to become sight words in order to increase reading fluency.
What is phonics?
The relationship between letters and their sounds (sound-symbol recognition)
What is an anticipation guide?
The clinician sets the expectation for the book/sets a purpose for reading. e.g., after we read we will discuss the book and I will ask you some questions.
What tier word is 'conclude'?
Tier 2
Name a program that targets prosody.
Reader's Theatre.
True or false: For Elkonin boxes, silent 'e' should have it's own box.
False. Silent letters or vowel teams can be written together in a single box.
True or false: Phonological awareness is an overarching principle that encompasses phonemic awareness.
What is included in narrative structure? (3 elements)
-Events (in order)
Tier three words are:
-low frequency
-subject specific
What is light reading?
Reading at an easier level than your instructional level to promote fluency. (Also could be reading books in a series).
What are the six syllable types?
1. closed
2. open
3. magic/silent ‘e’
4. vowel team
5. r controlled
6. consonant -le
Phonemic awareness progression: (5 steps that could be used for phoneme manipulation tasks)
-isolating phonemes in words