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The year that Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Literature for her "novels characterized by visionary force and poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality".
What is 1993
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1973 for her novel, The Optimist's Daughter
Who is Eudora Welty?
A term often applied to the Neoclassic Period in English Literature and sometimes to the Revolu- tionary and Early National Period in American Literature because these periods emphasized self- knowledge, self-control, the rule of order, as well as decorum in life and art, is the
What is the Age of Reason
The highest age of English drama, called the "Golden Age of English Literature" featuring Bacon, Jonson, Spenser, Marlowe and Shakespeare, from 1558-1603
What is the Elizabethian Age
Alliteration of two separate consonants or clusters arranged as xyxy or xyyx
What is a cross-alliteration?
Harper Lee won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in what year for the book "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
What is 1961
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1994 for Neon Vernacular
Who is Yusef Komunyakaa?
Originally, the term for the first actor in early Greek drama and now the term for the chief character in a work is
What is protagonist
From 1625-1642, including both Cavalier and Puritan groups and the Metaphysical poets. Classicism was advancing, as well as religious controversies.
What is the Carolinian Age?
The use of words on oral or written discourse. Includes vocabulary, which generally means words one at a time, and syntax, which generally means word order.
What is diction?
John Updike, a two time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, won the prize in 1991 for the book...
What is "Rabbit at Rest"
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Firction in 1994 for The Shipping News
Who is E. Annie Proulx?
A cheaply produced paperbound novel or novelette of mystery, adventure, or violence popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in England is the
What is penny dreadful
From 1700-1750, with writers paralleling their writing to Latin literature, given to comparing London with Rome. Refers to a Roman emperor, and a time in history with high literary culture.
What is the Augustian?
A trope in which a part signifies the whole or the whole signifies the part.
What is a synecdoche?
Who won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2002 for his/her book "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay"?
What is Michael Chabon
1916 Nobel Prize winner from Sweden
Who is Verner von Heidenstam?
The poetic foot consisting of an accented syllable followed by an unaccented syllable is the
What is trochee
The period in between the Elizabethan and Carolinian from 1603-1625. Featured a robust growth of realism in art and cynicism in thought. The greatest period in English drama featuring Shakespeare, Jonson, Bacon and Drayton.
What is the Jacobean Age?
An attitude or position on a problem taken by a writer or speaker with the purpose of proving or supporting it.
What is a thesis?
Imre Kertész, the Nobel Prize for Literature winner in 2002, is of what nationality?
What is Hungarian
1995 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for his play The young Man from Atlanta
Who is Horton Foote?
Rhyme from two consonant sounds without the correspondence of the previous vowel sounds.
What is Near/Oblique/Half/Slant/Off/Para Rhyme?
Period between the death of Victoria in 1901 and the First World War. Marked by a strong reaction in though, conduct, and art to the Victorian Age. Featured a critical and questioning attitude, with a growing distrust of authority in religion, morality, art and conventional "virtues"
What is the Edwardian Age?
Alliteration of the patterns abab or abba; successive or chiastic cynghanedd
What is transverse alliteration?