The measurement of rhythm in poetry, which often counts number of stressed and unstressed syllables.
What is "meter"?
This form has 14 lines
What is a "sonnet"?
In this era, poets and writers focused on the transformative power of nature
What is the "Romantic era"?
A narrative in which a character tells a story to another character or characters
What is "frame narrative" or "frame story"?
He wrote "Tintern Abbey"
Who was "William Wordsworth"?
One metric "foot" consisting of an unstressed and a stressed syllable.
What is an "iamb"?
This form has an octet and a sestet and the rhyme scheme abba abba cde cde
What is "Petrarchan" or "Italian" sonnet?
This genre of writing often features ghost stories, dark and stormy nights and supernatural occurrences
What is "gothic"?
An indirect or direct reference to another work, person or event, such as when Mary Shelley refers to the albatross in Frankenstein
What is "allusion"?
He was at the end of his life when he composed "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
Who was "John Keats"?
According to some, Shakespeare wrote in this rhythm because it emulated the human heartbeat.
What is "iambic pentameter"?
This form has 14 lines with 3 quatrains and a rhyming couplet
What is a "Shakespearean" or "English" sonnet?
This period was characterized by decorum and propriety
What is the "Victorian Era"?
A stereotypical example of a person or thing (e.g. Miss Lavish as "the writer")
What is an "archetype"?
He inspired a particular type of anti-hero in the Romantic era
Who was "Lord Byron"?
Continuing a line of poetry after the line break (example:
We were dancing—it must have
been a foxtrot or a waltz,
something romantic but
requiring restraint, )
What is "enjambment"?
A stanza comprised of four lines
What is a "quatrain"?
This poem, written by Percy Bysshe Shelley, was inspired by Ramses II
What is "Ozymandias"?
A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one
What is "allegory"?
He wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"
Who was "Samuel Coleridge"?
The turning point or shift in a sonnet
What is the "volta"?
This lyric form addresses a particular person or subject, such as "autumn" or "Jane"
What is an "ode"?
This poet wrote "To Autumn"
Who was "John Keats"?
The appearance of being true or real
What is "verisimilitude"?
This author of Never Let Me Go won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017
Who is "Kazuo Ishiguro"?