Drawing Conclusions and Inferences
Compare and Contrast
Main Idea and Details
Author's Purpose
Story Elements

It felt wonderful to be outside, even if only for a little while! All the swings were already taken, and a group

was playing softball on the diamond. Casey and I decided use the monkey bars until the teacher called us. 

Where can you infer that I am? How do you know?

The playground or recess. Text clues that helped me provide this answer are softball, outside, monkey bars, and teacher. 


What does it mean to compare? Provide an example. 

Comparing is when you tell how two or more things are alike. The students at PS # 33 wear uniforms to school. 


Which word means to retell the main idea of a story?

  1. cause
  2. summarize
  3. effect
  4. theme

2. summarize


When writing to  _____________________, an author's goal is to share information that is typically real and factual.

a. entertain

b. persuade 

c. inform

c. inform


Name a character in the story "Prudy's Problem" and a character trait they possess. 

Prudy is the main character in the story and she is disorganized and careless.


As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to decide

what I would buy with my $3. The chocolate truffles looked delicious, but they were expensive. The jelly beans 

were not only cheaper, but so colorful! With so much to choose from, I knew I would be here a long time.

Where can you infer I am? How do you know?

You are at the candy store and you cannot decide what to get. The text clues chocolate, jelly beans, delicious, colors and smells helps me understand that.


Contrast the characters in Tops and Bottoms. Provide details that support their differences. 

The hare in the story was clever and a hard-worker. The bear was lazy and foolish. The hare took the crops he harvested on bear's property while bear slept and missed out on opportunities for food. 


Which detail DOES NOT support the main idea of "I Wanna Iguana"?

a. Alex told his mom he would use his allowance to           feed the iguana

b. An iguana takes 15 years to grow over six feet long

c. Alex is worried Stinky's dog will eat the iguana

b. An iguana takes 15 years to grow over six feet long


A story that is funny, silly, or scary is trying to                you.





a. entertain


Describe the setting(s) in "Kumak's Fish". 

The setting took place in the Arctic at Kumak's home and on the lake where they were fishing. 


Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said.

a. What type of job does Paul do?

b. What details support your answer?

a. Paul works in construction (labor)

b. Dusty overalls


Compare ad contrast  the mother penguin and father penguins' responsibilities for taking care of their young in "Penguin Chick".

Both parents take care of their young and share the responsibilities while they take turns to hunt for food. After the young is born, mother searches for food while the father keeps the young under his brood patch for warmth and safety. 


Cairo, Egypt, is an amazing city. It is the largest city in Africa. It is on the banks of the Nile River. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Many people visit the city every year. Most of the people come to see the Pyramids of Giza. Some people will even ride their first camel in Cairo. Some visitors will take a boat ride down the Nile River. The city even has places that show how paper was first made. This paper is called papyrus. There is so much to learn about in Cairo.

Which best describes the main idea of the passage?

  1. The Nile River runs through Cairo.
  2. The Pyramids of Giza are in Cairo.
  3. Many people live in Cairo.
  4. Cairo is an amazing city.

4. Cairo is an amazing city.


When you read a story and the author is trying to get you to buy something or convince you to do something, what is the author's purpose?

  1. Persuade
  2. Inform
  3. Entertain
  4. Direct

1. Persuade


Summarize the plot (beginning, middle, and end) of the story Tops and Bottoms.

The Hare loses his property and asks Bear to harvest on his land. Bear agrees, but only if the Hare shares what he harvests. The Hare asks Bear if he would like the tops or bottoms of the plants. Bear falls asleep and when Hare wakes him, he is tricked to receiving nothing. This continues for another two seasons until finally the Bear tells Hare he can no longer plant in his yard. **ANSWERS MAY VARY


Michael and Seth are on their way to Benson State Park. They like to go to the park on weekends during the winter. They like to skate on the frozen lake. Every day, the park ranger checks the ice on the lake. If it is safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS SAFE. If it is not safe to skate, she puts up a sign that says, TODAY THE ICE IS NOT SAFE. Michael and Seth are at the park. They read the sign for today, and then put on their skates.

What conclusion can you draw?

  1. Today is Saturday.
  2. Today is a safe day for skating.
  3. Today is a warm day.
  4. Today is not a safe day for skating.

2. Today is a safe day for skating


Part A: Contrast the problems in "When Charlie Mcbutton Lost Power" and "What About Me?".

Part B: Did the solutions to their problems share any similarities? Cite evidence to justify response. 

Part A: Charlie had lost power and experienced difficulty in occupying his time without technology. The boy in "What About Me?" was seeking knowledge but could not find it until satisfying others' needs. 

Part B: Both characters solved their own problems through their experience. Charlie figured out how to use his imagination to play and pass his time with his younger sister. The boy in "What About Me?" found knowledge through his encounters with others. 


Benjamin Franklin grew up in Boston. He worked in his brother's print shop for four years, from 1718 to 1722. He quit school and started working when he was only 12 years old. In a way, working as a printer was almost as good as going to school. Ben read a lot and learned a lot. Ben was smarter than his brother and he was a better printer, too. Ben's brother wanted him to work for him until Ben was 21, but Ben had other ideas. He ran away to Philadelphia when he was 17.

What is the main idea?

  1. Benjamin Franklin grew up in Boston.
  2. Benjamin Franklin had a job in a printing press that helped him learn a lot of things.
  3. Benjamin Franklin was smarter than his brother.

2. Benjamin Franklin had a job in a printing press that helped him learn a lot of things.


At Easter, many parents want to buy baby bunnies for their children. Baby bunnies are cute, but rabbits are not always good pets. Many rabbits end up at animal shelters because people do not know how to care for them. This year, the Rabbit Rescue Team has an idea. We are asking parents to buy stuffed bunnies for Easter, instead of real rabbits! Please visit your toy store instead of your pet store!

What is the author's purpose?

  1. to persuade
  2. to inform
  3. to entertain

2. to inform


What is a theme? Can you provide the theme for "I Wanna Iguana"?

The theme is the life lesson in the story. Ask and you shall receive. Persistence is key. **Answers may vary.


When you draw a conclusion from a passage, you _____.

a. Put together an idea that was implied (hinted) in the passage, but not stated

b. Analyze the sources of information in the passage

c. Explain the author's purpose for writing the passage

a. Put together an idea that was implied (hinted) in the passage, but not stated


The strategy to use for comparing and contrasting is:

  1. Predicting
  2. Rereading
  3. Asking Questions
  4. Using Prior Knowledge

2. Rereading


What is the main idea in When Charlie Mcbutton Lost Power? List details from the story that helps you understand the main idea.

The main idea of this story is about a young boy who thinks he cannot live without technology, until one day the power goes out and he panics. The boy struggles at first but finally figures out he can use his imagination and play with his sister rather than play with video games.  *Charlie tried to take the batteries from his younger sister's toy


These are the best shoes in the world! If you wear these shoes you will jump higher, run faster, and score more points in a ballgame than anyone. Get a pair today! They are refreshing! Get your pair of SkyHigh Flyers TODAY!

Why did the author write this article?

  1. to entertain
  2. to persuade
  3. to inform
  4. to confuse

2. to persuade


Describe the conflict and resolution in Prudy's Problem. 

The conflict was that she hoarded too many things that her room exploded because it could not contain anything else from all of her collections. The solution was that she made a museum of all her collections. 
