Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

Refers to the time and place in which a story takes place.

What is setting? 


A character that changes throughout the story.

What is a dynamic character.


The major events that take place during a story.

What is plot?


A literary element that involves a struggle between two opposing forces, usually a protagonist and an antagonist.

What is a conflict? 


The central, deeper meaning of a story.

What is theme?


A scene that is set in a time earlier than the main story

What is a flashback or memory moment?


The main character of a story.

What is the protagonist? 


The highest point of tension in the story. 

What is the climax? 


In this conflict type, Johnny did not believe that he was smart enough to pass the test. 

What is person vs self? 


The main idea of the story, what it is about.

What is topic?


"Come under the slide!" shouted John. Cecilia jumped off the swings, and jumped over the hopscotch court and met him under the slide. The location of this story is....

What is the playground?


The person who is in opposition of the main character. 

What is the antagonist? 


The event that begins the story. 

What is the inciting incident


In "The Ravine," Vinny was experiencing this type of conflict. Provide evidence with your answer.

What is person vs person? 

(Starlene, Joe-Boy, and Mo wanting him to jump)


What is person vs self?

(Arguing with himself whether or not he needed to jump down)


A possible theme of "The Wish."

Answers Vary.


Possible clues to the time period of the setting of a story. (Provide at least one).

What are clothes, technology, cultural context, and how characters talk?


Cinderella's evil stepmother is an example of this character type.

What is static?


In "The Hockey Sweater," when the narrator prays for moths to come and eat the sweater would be an example of this plot point.

What is resolution?


Write on your board an example of a person vs person conflict.

Answers vary. Your example should show someone in conflict one or more characters


Bill was a high school athlete from a small town. The people of this town placed a high value on victories. So a top performer like Bill  was given privileges and exceptions. He attended special study sessions with teammates where they mainly studied football. To the surprise of few, Bill was given a full ride to a college based on his athletic abilities. Yet Bill was not prepared for this new experience. He expected the college to make special exceptions for him as his high school had. While he did receive quite a few exceptions, it was not enough to make up for how underprepared he was. Bill failed to get it together. He lost his scholarship, and dropped out after his freshman year.

What is a possible theme of this story?

Sample Answers: 

You can hurt people if you help them too much. 

Work hard in all parts of your life


Mr. Holland walked up to the teller and handed her a paper slip. She punched a few figures into the computer and ran the slip through a machine. It printed some numbers on the back of the slip. She handed the slip back to him along with five $20 bills. Then she asked him, "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?" Mr. Holland grabbed the money off of the counter and tipped his hat to the woman, "Not today, thank you." The location of this story is....

What is the bank?


On your board, write an example of a dynamic character.

Answers vary.


The battle between Batman and The Joker that has been building the entire story. This is an example of this plot point.

What is climax?


Write on your board an example of person vs society.

Answers vary. Your example should show someone fighting with a large group, culture, or society as a whole.


A CROW dying of thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to find water, flew to it with delight.  When he reached it, he discovered that it contained so little water that he could not possibly get at it.  He tried everything he could think of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain.  At last he collected as many stones as he could carry and dropped them one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he brought the water within his reach and thus saved his life. What is a possible theme of this story?

Sample answers:

 If at first you do not succeed, try again. 

Never give up. 

Hard work will allow you to succeed.
