Mood and Tone
Figurative Language Part 1
Figurative Language Part 2

This is the definition of a story's theme

What is the message/lesson that the author is trying to teach us?


This is the voice with which the author speaks. It reflects their feelings when telling a story

What is the Author's Tone


This type of Irony is frequently confused with Sarcasm

What is Verbal Irony?


This type of figurative language compares elements using the words "like" or "as"

What is a simile?


This type of Figurative Language can be represented with the words "Beep", "Slurp" and "Boom"

What is Onomatopoeia?


When a theme can be related to different generations and related to big topics such as love, honesty, or friendship, it is called

What is a Universal Theme?


This is the dominant emotional climate of a story. It can apply to the atmosphere or setting

What is the Mood?


An example of this type of Irony would be getting set up on a blind date with your Ex

What is Situational Irony?


This type of figurative language is a type of exaggeration used to create an effect

What is hyperbole?


This type of Figurative Language has a series of words that all start with the same letter such as "Many men made merry music"

What is Alliteration?


When people of multiple ethnicities can appreciate a theme it is said to have

What is Cross Cultural Appeal?


This is what we look for in a story to figure out the Mood and Tone

What are Descriptive Words and Phrases


This type of Irony is when the audience knows something that the characters in the story don't know

What is Dramatic Irony?


This is a type of comparison where the words "like" or "as" are not used

What is a metaphor?


This type of Figurative Language is when the words of the individual expression don't equal the meaning of the expression as a whole, such as "She got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

What is an Idiom?


This is the special name for the theme of a Greek Myth or a Fable

What is the Moral of the Story?


This is how we express Mood and Tone 

What is Emotional Vocabulary?


Romeo killing himself because he thinks Juliet is dead when she only took a sleeping potion is an example of this type of Irony

What is Dramatic Irony?


This type of figurative language gives human characteristics to inanimate objects

What is personification?


This type of Figurative Language is when a part of something is used to represent the whole of something, such as "I'm getting a new set of wheels for my 16th birthday."

What is a Synecdoche?


When a theme such as "star crossed lovers" appears in multiple stories (i.e. Romeo and Juliet and Twilight) then it is called a 

What is a Reoccurring Theme?


If the passage you are reading is Expository and simply gives facts, then the Mood and Tone are said to be this

What is Neutral or Objective?


Telling your Auntie you love her Mac and Cheese, even though it's the worst you've ever tasted is an example of this type  of irony

What is Verbal Irony?


This type of figurative language downplays a situation instead of exaggerating it

What is Understatement or Meiosis?


This type of Figurative Language repeats a phrase over and over again, such as "I write the songs that make the whole word sing. I write the songs of love and special things. I write the songs that make the young girls cry. I write the songs. I write the songs."

What is an Anaphora?
