Writers often explore these same ideas, choosing categories of literature, in which to express their thoughts. this is also defined as types of literature.
What is Genres?
Refers to communication that reaches many people: TV shows, advertising, Web sites
What is types of Media?
A short piece of writing about a single subject.
What is Personal Narrative/Autobiographical Essay?
Previewing , setting a purpose, connecting, Using prior knowledge, predicting, visualizing, monitoring and making inferences.
What is Becoming an Active Reader?
The time and place of the action; a rainy day on the planet Venus, a tropical island in the present day, a city park in the year 2086, a palace in England in 1547.
What is Setting?
Made up stories about characters and events ; includes short stories, novels, novellas, folk tales, ...
What is fiction
Usually centers on one idea and can be read in one sitting.
What is short story
Factual writing that reports on recent events
What is News Article?
Eases the tension. Shows how the main character resolves the conflict.
What is Falling Action?
The people, animals, or creatures who take part in the story's action; a 12 year old girl, a wizard with mysterious powers, a baseball coach, a family's pet dog
What is characters?
A type of literature in which words are chosen and arranged in a precise way to create specific effects: haiku, limericks, narrative poems
What is Poetry?
Is a longer work of fiction in which the characters and story line are thoroughly developed.
What is a Novel?
Looking at the title, the pictures, and the first paragraph. Figuring out what they tell you about what your are about to read.
What is Preview?
Is the most exiting part and a turning point. Makes the outcome of the conflict clear.
What is Climax?
A girl is made fun of by her friends. A family seeks shelter from a storm. A boy must decide between telling the truth and lying to protect his friend's feelings.
What is conflict?
Stories that are meant to be performed such as comedies, historical dramas, radio plays,...
What is Drama?
Uses the pronoun I, me, my, us, we, in telling a story.
What is first person point of view?
Know why you are reading whether for information, for enjoyment, or to understand a process.
What is Set a Purpose for reading?
The series of the progression of events in a story.
What is PLot?
Introduces the setting and the characters, and sets up or hints at the conflict.
What is Exposition?
Tells about real people, places, and events: autobiographies, essays, news articles, biographies, speeches, and reference articles.
What is Non Fiction?
The story of a person's life, told by that person or by someone else.
What is autobiography and biography?
Think about whether the characters or situations remind you of people or experiences in your life.
What is Connect?
Events that are contrary to what is expected.
What is Irony?
Reveals how everything turns out. Sometimes called the denouement.