Literary Nonfiction
Author's Purpose
Text Structure
A text that is a written account of someone's life told by another person, usually in 3rd person

What is the P in PIE'ED stand for?



Kara chose a difficult piece to play for the piano recital. Her teacher advised her to select an easier piece, but Kara knew she could do it. Kara practiced every day after school. When her friends called to see if she could play, Kara told them that she couldn't and continued to practice. Even with all that practicing, a week before the recital, Kara still could not play the piece without making mistakes. Kara thought about giving up and switching to an easier piece, but instead she decided to double her practice time. The night of the recital arrived. Kara was the last student to play. As she walked onto the stage to take her place at the piano, she remembered the long hours she had spent practicing. Kara began to play. Her hands danced across the keyboard. She knew the piece so well! When the final note faded the room erupted in applause. She had played the piece perfectly!

Persistence pays of


You show how they are alike, or similar. You show how they are different



The author's reason for or intent in writing. He/she may write to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, or to inform the reader

Author's Purpose

A text that is the history of a person's life told by that person, usually told in 1st person

What is I stand for in PIE'ED?



Mara's family lived next door to a very grumpy old lady named Mrs. Olson. Mrs. Olson was always yelling at Mara's family for making too much noise, or leaving toys in the driveway, or letting their grass grow too long. One day, Mara was playing in the front yard when Mrs. Olson dropped a whole bag of groceries on her porch. Mara rushed to help. Despite Mrs. Olson's objections, Mara helped her to bring the groceries inside and to clean up the broken jar of applesauce. The next day, Mrs. Olson called Mara over to her house. At first, Mara was a little scared. But Mrs. Olson just wanted her to help get some boxes down from the attic. After that, Mara started helping Mrs. Olson around the house a few times a week. Sometimes, Mrs. Olson would offer her tea and the two of them would sit at Mrs. Olson's big kitchen table and drink their tea and chat. The years passed and Mara grew up and went to college, but whenever she came home, she always made sure to visit Mrs. Olson. One day, Mara got a letter from a lawyer. Mrs. Olson had died in her sleep. Mara was sad, but also surprised. The letter said that Mrs. Olson had thousands of dollars in the bank and she left it all to Mara.

Treat people with kindness


Why Something Happened/What Happened



A truth about life revealed in a work of literature. A message of the story.


An account of one's personal experience, a record of events written by the person that experienced them, including intimate details of the event and their personal observations

What does the first E stand for in PIE'ED?



Sarah didn't play with the new girl in her class, Laila, at recess. No one did. Laila had come to their school after winter break. She wore strange clothes and she spoke with an accent. Then one day, the teacher put Sarah and the Laila together as partners on a class project. At first Sarah was nervous about working with someone so different, but then they began to talk. She found out that Laila had a little brother just like she did. Not only that, they both loved to draw and they both collected sea shells. Sarah invited Laila over after school to work on the project and see her shell collection. The girls worked well together and before she left, Sarah gave Laila one of her best shells to take home for her collection. The next day, Laila invited Sarah over dinner. The food was really different than what Sarah was used to, but it was also really good. Laila's parents were nice too. The girls got an A on their project, but even better, they became good friends.

Don't judge people before you get to know them


Find the issue and solve it



How the information within a written text is organized

Text Structure

A daily record, originally written to be private, especially of the writers personal experiences, observations, feelings, & attitudes.

What does the second E stand for in PIE'ED?



Mr. Jones decided to take his family camping. It was a beautiful weekend and the family was excited about the trip. So he packed up the car and away they went. At first they had trouble finding an empty campsite. Most of the other campers had made reservations ahead of time. When they finally found one, Dad asked the kids, Tim and Katie, to pitch the tent. It wasn't long before Tim reported that he could not find the tent stakes. Sure enough, they were nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, mom was trying to light the portable stove, but Dad had forgotten the matches. Not only that, they did not have a can opener to open the can of spaghetti sauce they had brought for dinner or a pot big enough to cook the noodles. Then Katie discovered that they had forgotten to bring the sleeping bags! It soon became clear that camping was not going to happen. Grumpily, Dad packed everything back into the car and they drove back to the city. They picked up a pizza on the way home and everyone slept in their own beds that night.

Plan ahead and be prepared


Show the order of things



A fictionalized story created based on a person's biography, autobiography, memoirs, or diaries. The author will include elements of fiction

Fictional Adaptation

A story or account of events, experiences, or the like told by the person that experienced the events. The events are told in the form of a story with all the elements of plot included.
Personal Narrative

What does the D stand for in PIE'ED?



Kevin wasn't worried about his book report. He had three whole weeks to get it done. There was no reason to get started right away, especially when he had just gotten a new video game! The next day, Kevin thought about going to the library to pick out a book for his report, but decided to play with his friends instead. He could go to the library on the weekend. The weekend came and instead of going to the library, Kevin spent the whole weekend at his cousin's farm. He didn't go to the library the next week either; there was always something fun to do instead. Two weeks passed and Kevin still hadn't picked out a book. By the time he finally got to the library, there was not enough time to read the book and write the report. Kevin tried to write the report without reading the whole book, but it did not go very well. Kevin failed the assignment.

Don't put off until the last minute


Provide details and examples



Writing that reads like fiction, except that the characters, setting, and plot are real. It includes biography, autobiography, memoir, personal narrative, and diary

Literary Nonfiction
