Who is telling the story clearly?
Things to watch out for...
Texts, Essays, and Speeches oh my!
Figurative Language
Literary Skills

Neither of them had built anything before, but Sue's dad said he would help. This sentence contains an example of vague _________. (Choose one: nouns / pronouns / verbs)

What are pronouns?


The prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. (Choose two: agenda / bias / methaphor / figurative language.)

What is the bias/agenda?


__________ are the best way of breaking up this text: To describe a celebrity's early life in great detail. (Choose one: paragraphs / bullet points / numbered points.)

What are paragraphs?


When something nonhuman is given human characteristics, this is known as _______ literary term.

What is personification?


The main character or hero of the story is ______.

What is the protagonist?


The view of a story is known as _______.

What is point of view?


This word, ______, shows the most bias in this passage:

Our school had to choose between the mayor and a basketball star as a guest speaker, and fortunately, the school chose the basketball star.

What is 'fortunately'?


This research questions is _______: How do fossil fuels affect the atmosphere?

What is effective?


"Life is a box of chocolates" is an example of ______ literary term? 

A metaphor


The force or character who opposes the main character or hero is called _________.

What is the antagonist?


A character in the story tells the story and pronouns such as I, we, us, and me suggests ________ point of view.

What is first person?


For a paper you are writing about Harriet Tubman, you use a book by someone who knew Tubman personally as a ________ kind of source.

What is credible/relevent source?


The message the author wants to convey to the reader. (Choose one: purpose / imagery / message / theme / diction.)

What is the theme?


Writing or speech that appeals to one or more of the senses is _______.

What is imagery?


Trey was frustrated. He pulled off the road onto a patch of gravel and looked at his phone. He felt like he should be close to the turnoff for the ranch, but all he could see was the main highway stretching for miles in either direction, surrounded by desert. He'd forgotten to enter his destination into the phone earlier, and now there was no cell service.

Trey is lost is __________. (Choose two: an inference / a phrase / a hyperbole / an implicit detail / a skill / a prediction / an expression.)

What is an implicit detail/inference?


When an unknown person outside of the story tells the story, it is ______ point of view.

What is third person?


The part of the plot where all "loose ends" are tied up and the problem(s) have been solved is the ________.

What is denouement/falling action?


A school election flyer most clearly uses this line: Varisa Smith: The only candidate with leadership experience... This is an example of ______ rhetorical device. (Choose one: logos / pathos /ethos / rhetorical question / direct address / logical fallacy.)

What is ethos?


"The brother of the brave brown bear is a cowardly lion" is an example of _______ literary term.

What is alliteration?


Friends will stick together is the most likely _______ of this passage: 

Ali was mad at Jen because Jen was going to be gone all summer at band camp. Ali felt abandoned. But she forgot all of that when she heard two other girls saying something mean about Jen in the locker room, and Ali walked right over to defend her.

What is message/theme? 


When the narrator knows all the characters, all their motives and thoughts is the ___________ point of view.

What is omniscient?


The part of a story where the character deals with the information gained during the epiphany. 

What is the resolution?


A example of ________ text structure is: One that describes each part of a frog's body. (Choose one: sequencial or chronological / topical / spatial / descriptive / problem-solution / cause-effect / compare-contrast / persuasive.)

What is spatial?


"Since we're planning to cut teachers' pay, let's just go ahead and stop paying for roads and bridges while we're at it." This is an example of ______.

What is a irony?


My father asks that we milk the cows. AND It's important that my sister stop arguing. These sentences is an example of what kind of mood? (Choose one: indicitive / imperative / interrogative / conditional / subjunctive.)

What is subjunctive mood?
